Vision IAS Economy Notes For UPSC IAS PDF Download
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- Create Date January 14, 2024
- Last Updated January 27, 2024
Vision IAS Economy Printed Notes of General Study Paper 3 in English Medium for UPSC Mains and Other Competitive Exam Preparation. Notes Possesses 1 Spiral Bound booklets. Following are the booklets that Complete the Notes:- 1. Economy Part-I 2. Economy Part-II. 3. Economy Part-III 4. Economy Part-IV. In Total there are 4 booklets and 651 pages. (This Material is Printed Photocopy Study Material Printed with Advanced Printer Photocopy Machine & The photo of the study material shown in the listing is not original, the front of the study material is actually a Black and white photocopy printed on pink color pages)
These notes are offered by Vision IAS Institute. You can also use them for different exams like State PCS etc. This printed study material is specially designed for UPSC students. Recent Current Affairs have also been included which play a major role in the examination.
What is the economy
The economy of India is characterized as a middle-income developing market economy. It is the world’s sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on a per capita income basis, India ranked 145th by GDP (nominal) and 122nd by GDP (PPP).
Real GDP and Nominal GDP
Nominal GDP refers to the current year production of final goods and services valued at current year prices.
Real GDP on the other hand refers to the current year production of goods and services valued at base year prices. Such base-year prices are constant prices.
Real GDP is a much better way to calculate the GDP because in a particular year GDP may be bloated up because of the high rate of inflation in the economy. Real GDP, therefore, allows us to determine if production increased or decreased, regardless of changes in inflation and purchasing power of the currency.
Indian Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015 -2024
The primary objective was to boost Indian exports alongside strengthening schemes like Make in India, and Digital India, thereby focusing on manufacturing in India along with Ease of Doing business. Key Features
• To increase India’s exports to US $ 900 billion by 2019-2020.
• FTP would reduce export obligations by 25% and give a boost to domestic manufacturing.
• FTP benefits from both MEIS & SEIS will be extended to units located in SEZs.
These notes of Vision IAS economy will cover all the important notes of economics like Money and Banking Economic Reforms Government Budgeting Land Reforms etc. download the complete pdf from the below section.
Currency Exchange Rate
•The price of one currency in terms of the other is called the exchange rate. It could be defined as the amount of domestic currency required to buy one unit of foreign currency.
•Usually it is defined as the price of foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency. This is called the bilateral nominal exchange rate.
- National Income Accounting
- Money and Banking
- Central Bank and Monetary Policy
- Fiscal Policy
- Government Budgeting
- Inflation
- External Sector and Currency Exchange
- Economic Reforms
- Industrial Policy
- Land Reforms
- Infrastructure
- Investment Model
- Agriculture Subsidies and MSP
- PDS, Buffer Stock and Food Security
- Economics of Animal Rearing
- Technology Mission
- Major Crops and Cropping Pattern
- Irrigation System
- Food Processing Industries
- E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
- Indian Economy and Issues Related to
Mobilisation of Resources - Storage, Transport, and Marketing of Agricultural
Produce and Issues and Related Constraints
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