Use of Was/Were, it’s Uses of Rules, Examples & Exercise 12,13 to 17 full Solution of Oxford Translation by R.k Sinha.
पहचान :- जब वाक्य के अंत मे था, थी, थीं, या थे मुख्य क्रिया के रूप मे रहता है, तब was/were का प्रयोग होता है ।
1. मै खुश था ।
2. लड़के तैयार थें ।
3. वे एक डॉक्टर थें ।
4. वह एक किरानी था ।
5. महात्मा गांधी महान थें ।
इस Chapter के वाक्यों को निम्नलिखित “Structure” के अनुसार बनाया जाता है । जिस Category का वाक्य हो उसे उस Category के Structure के अनुसार अनुसार बनाया जाता है ।
Affirmative Sentences Structure
1. Subject + was/were + Complement.
2. Subject + was/were + a/an + Complement.
Negative Sentences Structure
3. Subject + was/were + not + Complement.
- Sub + was/were + not + an/an + Complement.
Interrogative Sentences Structure
5. Was/Were + Subject + Complement ?
6. Was/Were + Subject + a/an Complement ?
Interrogative with Negative Sentences Structure
7. Was/Were + Subject + not + Complement ?
8. Was/Were + Subject + not + a/an Complement ?
W.H word Question Sentences Structure
9. W.h word + Was/Were + Subject + Complement ?
10. W.h word + Was/Were + Subject + not + Complement ?
यदि आवश्यक हो तब a/an का प्रयोग किया जाता है । इसका भी Structure ऊपर दिए गए हैं ।
W.h word का मतलब है Why, When, How, Where etc.
Complement का अर्थ होता है । “पूरक“ यानि कि वाक्य मे Subject और helping verb के बाद जो चीजे बच जाती है उसे ही Complement (पूरक) कहा जाता है ।
Use of Was & Were Examples
1. मै गरीब था । i was poor.
2. वह लंबी थी । She was tall.
3. आप थके थेंं । you were tired.
4. हमलोग तैयार थे । We were ready.
5. सीता लाचार थी । Sita was helpless.
6. वह एक किरानी था । He was a clerk.
7. लड़के तैयार थे । The boys were ready.
8. वे लोग अशिक्षित थे । They were uneducated.
9. वे एक डॉक्टर थे । He was a doctor.
10. हमलोग हाकिम थे । We were officers.
11. आपलोग किसान थे । you were farmers.
12. वह एक चालक था । He was a driver.
13. वे लोग डाक्टर थे । They were doctors.
14. लड़के विधार्थी थे । They boys were students.
15. रामू और गोपी किसान थे । Ramu and Gopi were farmers.
Use of Was/Were Simple Sentence Exercise 12 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.
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मै खुश था । I was happy.
हमलोग गरीब थे । we were poor.
आप मेहनती थे । you were laborious.
आपलोग संतुष्ट थे । you were satisfied.
तुम तैयार थे । you were ready.
तुमलोग अनुपस्थित थे । you were absent.
वह बूढा था । He was old.
वह उदास थी । She was sad.
भिखारी भूखा था । The beggar was hungry.
भिखारी भूखे थे । The beggars were hungry.
वे लोग अमीर थे । They were rich.
बच्चा उदास था । The child was sad.
बच्चे उदास थे । The children were sad.
मेरा भाई उपस्थित था । My brother was present.
तुम और मदन अमीर थे । you and madan were rich.
राम और श्याम उपस्थित थे । Ram and Shyam were present.
भारत धनी था । India was rich.
आपका भाई मूर्ख था । your brother was foolish.
आपके भाई मूर्ख थे । your brother was foolish.
आपके भाई लोग मूर्ख थे । your brothers were foolish.
महात्मा गांधी महान थे । Mahatma gandhi was great.
वे लोग बुद्धिमान थे । They were wise.
हमलोग खिलाड़ी थे । We were players.
आपलोग विधार्थी थे । you were students.
वे लोग शिक्षक थे । They were teachers.
राम और मदन किसान थे । Ram and Madan were farmers.
मै एक डॉक्टर था । I was a doctor.
तुम एक कवि थे । you were a poet.
आप एक लेखक थे । you were a writer.
वे एक शिक्षिका थी । She was a teacher.
श्याम बाबू एक वकील थे । Shyam babu was an advocate.
मेरे मित्रगण नेता थे । My friends were leaders.
Negative Sentence ( Use of Was & Were )
Negative Sentence बनाना काफी आसान है बस was / were के बाद not लगा दें । नीचे देखें ।
1. मै दोषी नही था । i was not guilty.
2. मोहन गरीब नही था । Mohan was not poor.
3. आप बेईमान नही थे । you were not dishonest.
4. वे लोग कमजोर नही थें । They were not weak.
5 हमलोग भिखारी नही थे । we were not beggars.
6. तुम एक चालक नही थे । you were not a driver.
7. रीता एक नर्स नही थी । Reeta was not a nurse.
8. लड़के छात्र नही थे । The boys were not students.
Was & Were Negative Sentence Exercise 13 full Solution Oxford Current English Translation by r.k Sinha.
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मै तैयार नही था । I was not ready.
तुम उपस्थित नही थे । you were not present.
आपलोग वफादार नही थे । you were not faithful.
हमलोग गरीब नही थे । we were not poor.
सीता गोरी नही थी । Sita was not fair-complexioned.
मेरा भाई विद्वान नही था । My brother was not learned.
तुम नियमित नही थे । you were not regular.
वह मूर्ख नही थी । She was not foolish.
डाकू निर्दय नही था । The Robber was not heartless.
वह दोषी नही था । He was not guilty.
वह अशिक्षित नही थी । She was not uneducated.
कहानी रोचक नही थी । The story was not interesting.
वह सही नही था । (यदि कहानी के बारे मे बोला जाए तब) That was not right.
वह सही नही था । (यदि इंसान के बारे मे बोला जाए तब) He was not right.
मै गलत नही था । I was not wrong.
तुम्हारी माँ उपस्थित नही थी । your mother was not present.
वे लोग शिक्षित नही थे । They were not educated.
लड़के बुरे नही थे । The boys were not bad.
पिताजी व्यस्त नही थे । father/dad was not busy.
मै कलाकार नही था । I was not an artist.
हमलोग खिलाड़ी नही थे । we were not players.
तुम एक अभियंता नही थे । you were not an engineer.
आपलोग नेता नही थे । you were not leaders.
वह गायक नही था । He was not a singer.
मै टंकक नही था । I was not a typist.
वे लोग चोर नही थे । They were not thieves.
रामू एक साधु नही था । Ramu was not a saint.
वे लोग राजा नही थे । They were not kings.
वह रानी नही थी । She was not a queen.
मेरा भाई अभिनेता नही था । My brother was not an actor.
Interrogative Sentence of Was & Were )
कुछ प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य क्या से शुरू होते हैं, आप ऐसे वाक्यो का अनुवाद Subject के अनुसार was/were से शुरू करें ।
1. क्या मै गलत था ? Was i wrong ?
2. क्या मै पागल था ? Was i mad ?
3. क्या वे दुखी थे ? Were they sad ?
4. क्या सीता सुंदर थी ? Was sita beautiful ?
5. क्या आप कवि थे ? Were you a poet ?
6. क्या वे लोग नेता थे ? Were they leaders ?
7. क्या लड़के चालाक थे ? Were the boys clever ?
8. क्या राम और श्याम दोषी थे ? Were Ram and Shyam guilty ?
Negative Interrogative Sentence
1. क्या तुम पागल नही थे ? Were you not mad ?
2. क्या गीता बहरी नही थी ? Was Geeta not deaf ?
3. क्या मै भाग्यशाली नही था ? Was i not lucky ?
4. क्या वे लोग किसान नही थे ? Were they not farmers ?
5. क्या भारतीय किसान मेहनती नही थे ? Were indian farmers not laborious ?
Interrogative Sentence Exercise 14 Solution, of Oxford Translation by R.k Sinha.
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क्या मै गलत था ? Was i wrong ?
क्या तुम सही थे ? Were you right ?
क्या गीता पागल थी ? Was Geeta mad ?
क्या नेता लोग ईमानदार थे ? Were the leaders honest ?
क्या भारत की जनता जागरूक थी ? Were the people of india cautious ?
क्या आम कच्चे थे ? Were the mangoes unripe ?
क्या आप बीमार थे ? Were you ill ?
क्या सेब स्वादिष्ट था ? Was the apple tasty ?
क्या उसका चेहरा चमकीला था ? Was his face bright ?
क्या तुमलोग सतर्क थे ? Were you alert ?
क्या शिक्षकगण उपस्थित थे ? Were the teachers present ?
क्या भारतीय नेता ईमानदार थे ? Were indian leaders honest ?
क्या पुस्तकेंं अच्छी थींं ? Were the books good ?
क्या वे लोग पागल नही थे ? Were they not mad ?
क्या तुम तैयार नही थे ? Were you not ready ?
क्या मौसम सुहावना नही था ? Was the weather not pleasant ?
क्या हमलोग प्यासे नही थे ? Were We not thirsty ?
क्या वे लोग ग्रामवासी थे ? Were they villagers ?
क्या मै एक अच्छा विधार्थी नही था ? Was i not a good student ?
क्या आपलोग डाक्टर थे ? Were you doctors ?
क्या आपलोग पुस्तक-विक्रेता थे ? Were you booksellers ?
क्या वह एक छात्र नही था ? Was he not a student ?
क्या वे लोग दोस्त नही थे ? Were they not friends ?
क्या वे लोग दुश्मन थे ? Were they enemies ?
W.h Question ( Use of Was & Were )
When ( कब ), Why ( क्यो ), How ( कैसे ) इत्यादि का प्रयोग ।
जब प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य मे कब/क्यो/कैसे रहता है तब वाक्य की बनावट कुछ इस प्रकार का होता है ।
W.H + was/were + Subject + not + Complement ?
1. मै क्यो क्रूर था ? Why was i cruel ?
2. तुम क्यो उदास थे ? Why were you sad ?
3. वे लोग कैसे बुरे थे ? How were they bad ?
4. सीता क्यो परेशान थी ? Why was sita troubled ?
5. हमलोग क्यो तैयार थे ? Why were we ready ?
6. आप कब बीमार थे ? When were you ill ?
7. तुम क्यो तैयार नही थी ? Why were you not ready ?
8. सीता कैसे दयालु नही थी ? How was sita not kind ?
9. वे लोग कब थके थे ? When were they tired ?
10. आप कब एक डॉक्टर थे ? When were you a doctor ?
11. वे लोग क्यो चोर थे ? Why were they thieves ?
Exercise 15 full Solution, Use of Was & Were Simple Sentence, W.h Question of Oxford Translation by R.k Sinha.
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वह क्यो तैयार था ? Why was he ready ?
वह कैसे निर्दय थी ? How was she crue/,heartless ?
राज क्यो थका था ? Why was Raj tired ?
वह कब थकी थी ? When was she tired ?
सीता क्यो लाचार थी ? Why was sita helpless ?
राम का भाई कब बीमार था ? When was Ram’s brother ill ?
तुम क्यो उदास थे ? Why were you sad ?
आप कब उपस्थित थे ? When were you present ?
वह क्यो बुरा था ? Why was he bad ?
वे लोग क्यो अशिक्षित थे ? Why were they uneducated ?
आप कैसे भाग्यशाली थे ? How were you lucky ?
वे लोग क्यो आश्चर्यचकित थे ? Why were they surprised ?
मै कैसे नियमित नही था ? How was i not regular ?
आप कैसे दोषी नही थे ? How were you not guilty ?
राज कैसे गलत था ? How was Raj wrong ?
महात्मा गांधी कैसे महान नही थे ? How was Mahatma gandhi not great ?
तुम क्यो उपस्थित नही थे ? Why were you not present ?
वह कब रंज था ? When was he angry/annoyed ?
राज कब बीमार नही था ? When was Raj not ill ?
तुमलोग तैयार क्यो नही थे ? Why were you not ready ?
वह संतुष्ट क्यो नही थी ? Why was she not satisfied ?
दरबाजा क्यो खुला था ? Why was the door open ?
हमलोग कैसे लाचार नही थे ? How were we not helpless ?
आप कब एक डॉक्टर थे ? When were you a doctor ?
वह कब एक डाकू था ? When was he a robber ?
वह कब एक नर्स थी ? When was she a nurse ?
वे लोग कब मेरे दोस्त थे ? When were they my friends ?
मै कैसे एक अच्छा आदमी नही था ? How was i not a good man ?
आपलोग क्यो अच्छे खिलाड़ी नही थे ? Why were you not good players ?
Miscellaneous Exercise 16 full solution, Use of Was /Were Simple Sentence of Oxford Translation book by R.k Sinha
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वे लोग बुद्धिमान हैं । They are wise.
वे लोग बुद्धिमान थे । They were wise.
क्या आप संतुष्ट नही हैं ? Are you not satisfied ?
क्या आप संतुष्ट नही थे ? Were you not satisfied ?
मेरा नौकर वफादार और परिश्रमी नही है । My servant is not faithful and laborious.
मेरा नौकर वफादार और परिश्रमी नही था । My servant was not faithful and laborious.
आप क्यो चुप हैंं ? Why are you silent ?
आप क्यो चुप थे ? Why were you silent ?
क्या तुम घमंडी नही हो ? Are you not proud ?
क्या तुम घमंडी नही थे ? Were you not proud ?
वह क्यो धनी नही था ? Why was he not rich ?
वह क्यो धनी नही है ? Why is he not rich ?
क्या हमलोग बेवकूफ हैंं ? Are we foolish ?
क्या हमलोग बेवकूफ थे ? Were we foolish ?
उसका व्यवहार बुरा था । his behaviour was bad.
उसका व्यवहार बुरा है । his behaviour is bad.
हमलोग अभिनेता नही हैंं । we are not actors.
हमलोग अभिनेता नही थे । we were not actors.
वे लोग मेरे भाई हैंं । They are my brothers.
वे लोग मेरे भाई थे । They were my brothers.
क्या वह एक चालक है ? Is he a driver ?
क्या वह एक चालक था ? Was he a driver ?
क्या आप नेता नही हैंं ? Are you not a leader ?
क्या आपलोग नेता नही थे ? Were you not leaders ?
क्या मै एक शिक्षक नही हूँँ ? Am i not a teacher ?
क्या हमलोग शिक्षक नही थे ? Were we not teachers ?
दूध क्यो लाभदायक होता है ? Why is milk useful ?
क्या बच्चे नटखट नही होते ? Are children not naughty ?
Exercise 17 full Solution, Use of Was/Were Miscellaneous Exercise Solution, book by r.k Sinha.
Learn Hindi to English Translation
मै दयालु हूँँ । I am kind.
मै दयालु था । I was kind.
क्या तुम दयालु नही हो ? Are you not kind ?
मेरा स्कूल अच्छा है । My school is good.
मेरे मित्रगण अच्छे हैंं । My friends are good.
वे दयालु हैंं । They are kind.
विधार्थी दयालु होते हैंं । students are kind .
मै थका हूँँ । आप भी थके है । इसलिए हमलोग तैयार नही है । I am tired. You are also tired. So we are not ready.
क्या आप तैयार हैंं ? Are you ready ?
क्या तुम्हारे पिताजी नेक हैंं ? Is your father gentle ?
हाँ, वे नेक हैंं । yes, he is gentle.
क्या तुम घमंडी हो ? नही, मै घमंडी नही हूँँ । are you proud ? No, I am not proud.
क्या वे लोग उदास है ? हाँँ, वे लोग उदास हैंं ।
Are they sad ? Yes, they are sad.
वे लोग खुश क्यो नही हैंं ? Why are they not happy ?
मेरी माँ क्यो रंज नही है ? Why is my mother not angry ?
मेरी माँ दयालु है । My mother is kind.
माँ दयालु होती है । The Mother is kind.
मेरा भाई दयालु था । My brother was kind.
वह कैसे दयालु था ? How was he kind ?
क्या तुम तैयार नही थे ? Were you not ready ?
नही, मै तैयार था । No, I was ready.
आप कैसे तैयार थे ? How were you ready ?
क्या मै सही नही था ? हाँँ, आप सही थे ।
Was I not right ? Yes, you were right.
हमलोग गलत थे । We were wrong.
क्या भारतीय किसान मेहनती नही थे ? Were indian farmers not laborious ?
क्या भारत गरीब था ? Was india poor ?
क्या भारत गरीब नही है ? Is india not poor ?
क्या तुम्हारे रहन-सहन का स्तर ऊंचा है ? Is the standard of your living high ?
क्या प्रत्येक व्यक्ति महान नही होता ? Is Every man not great ?
क्या प्रत्येक फूल आकर्षक नही होता ? Is Every flower not attractive ?
क्या आपके मित्रगण नेता हैंं ? नही, वे लोग नेता नही हैंं ।
Are your friends leaders ? No, they are not leaders ?