Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 85,86 & 87 Solution

Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 85,86 & 87 Solution

( Past Tense मे प्रयोग ) 

Use of Infinitive With Verb “to be” in past Tense & it’s Rule, Structure, Example & Exercise Solution of Oxford Translation.

ऐसे वाक्यो से यह बोध होता है कि Past Tense ( भूतकाल ) मे कोई काम किसी योजना/कार्यक्रम के अनुसार होने वाला था, परंतु किसी कारणवश नही हो सका ।

Structure of Infinitive With Verb to be )

Subject + was/were + infinitive.
Subject + was/were + ( to + v1).

Infinitive का अर्थ to + v1 होता है ।

Solved Example of Infinitive With Verb to be 

मै पढने को था ।     i was to read.
मै पढने वाला था ।     i was to read.

तुम सोने को थे ।     You were to sleep.
तुम सोने वाले थे ।     You were to sleep.

राम त्यागपत्र देने को था ।     Ram was to resign.
मेरे पिता अवकाश प्राप्त करने को थे ।  My father was to retire.

Exercise 85 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.

Learn Hindi to English Translation

मै पढने को था ।    I was to read.
वह शादी करने को था ।    He was to marry.
हमलोग परीक्षा देने को थे ।    we were to appear at the examination.
राम दिल्ली जाने को था ।    Ram was to go to delhi.
वे घर बेचने को थे ।    They were to sell the house.
तुम गाने को थे ।    you were to sing.
वह खेलनेवाला था ।    He was to play.
मै एक बाघ मारनेवाला था ।     I was to kill a tiger.
गीता रोने वाली थी ।    Geeta was to weep.
वे हँसनेवाले थे ।    They were to laugh.
वह खरीदने को थी ।    She was to buy.
रीता गाने को थी ।    Reeta was go sing.
मै नही जाने को था ।    I was not to go.
वे त्यागपत्र नही देने को थे ।    They were not to resign.
मै शादी नही करने वाला था ।    I was not to marry.
वे एक मोटरगाड़ी नही खरीदने को थे ।    They were not to buy a bike.
वे मेरी सहायता नही करने वाले थे ।    They were not to help me.
वह नही गानेवाला था ।    He was not to sing.
मै नही जानेवाला था ।     I was not to go.
शिक्षक नही पढाने को थे ।     The teacher was not to teach.
तुम नही पढनेवाले थे ।    you were not to read.
मेरा दोस्त मदद नही करने वाला था ।     My friend was not to help.
वे काम नही करने को थे ।    They were not to work.
मेरे पिता अवकाश प्राप्त नही करने वाले थे ।    My father was not to retire

Negative & Interrogative Sentence of Infinitive with Verb “to be” of Oxford English Translation.

प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यो मे  was या were  के बाद  not  लगाने से Sentence Negative और was/were को Subject के पहले रखने से Sentence Interrogative बन जाता है ।

Structure of Verb to be Negative & Interrogative Sentence.

was/were + Subject + infinitive ?
was/were + Subject + not + infinitive ?

Solved Example of Verb ” to be “

क्या मै पढने को था ?      Was i to read ?
क्या राम खाने को था ?     Was Ram to eat ?
क्या वे पटना जाने को थे ?    Were they to go to patna ?
क्या मै परीक्षा नहीं देने वाला था ?      Was i not to appear at the examination ?

Exercise 86 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.

Learn Hindi to English Translation

क्या आप पढने को थे ?     were you to read ?
क्या आप शादी करने को थे ?    Were you to marry ?
क्या रीता गाने को थी ?    Was Reeta to sing ?
क्या रीता काम करने को थी ?     Was Reeta to work ?
क्या वह खेलने को था ?    Was he to play ?
क्या आप पटना जानेवाले थे ?    Were you to go to patna ?
क्या वह आने को था ?    Was he to come ?
क्या शिक्षक पढाने को थे ?    Was the teacher to teach ?
क्या तुम त्यागपत्र देने को थे ?    Were you to resign ?
क्या तुम पटना नही जाने को थे ?     Were you not to go to patna ?
क्या तुम परीक्षा नही देने को थे ?      Were you not to appear at the examination ?

क्या वे लोग सहायता नही करने को थे ?    Were they not to help ?
क्या राम और मोहन नही पढने को थे ?   Were Ram and mohan not to read ?
क्या वे शहर छोड़ने को थे ?    Were they to leave this town ?
क्या वे भाषण नही करने को थे ?     Were they not to make a speech ?
क्या तुम नही जाने को थे ?    Were you not to go ?
क्या लता पूज करने वाली थी ?    Was lata to worship ?
क्या लता आनेवाली है ?     Is lata to come ?
क्या तुम गानेवाले हो ?     Are you to sing ?
क्या आप नृत्य नही करने को थे ?     Were you not to dance ?

Infinitive with Verb “to be” ke w.h question Sentences Examples & Exercise  Solution of Oxford English Translation.

प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यो मे कब, क्यो, कैसे, क्या, कहाँ इत्यादि रहने पर वाक्यो का Structure प्रायः इस प्रकार का होता है

W.h Question Sentences Structure

W.h word + was/were + Subject + infinitive ?
w.h word + was/were + Subject + not + infinitive ?

W.h word का अर्थ है । What / Why / When / How / Where etc

Solved Example of Verb to be W.h Question Sentence

तुम क्या करने को थे ?     What were you to do ?
राम क्यो त्यागपत्र देने को था ?     Why was Ram to resign ?
तुम परीक्षा क्यो नही देने को थे ?     Why were you not to appear at the examination ?

Exercise 87 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.

Learn Hindi to English Translation

मै क्या करने वाला था ?    What was I to do ?
वे लोग क्यो जानेवाले थे ?    Why were they to go ?
सीता कब हँसने को थी ?     When was sita to laugh ?
राम कहाँँ जानेवाला था ?    Where was Ram to go ?
वे कैसे तुम्हारी मदद करने को थे ?    How were they to help you ?
राम परीक्षा क्यो नही देने वाला था ?    Why was Ram not to appear at the examination ?
आप कहाँँ पढने वाले थे ?     Where were you to read ?
सीता क्या खरीदने को थी ?    What was Sita to buy ?

वह क्यो शादी करने को था ?     Why was he to marry ?
तुम्हारे पिता क्या पढाने को थे ?     What was your father to teach ?
वह अपना घर कब और क्यो बेचने को था ?    When and why was he to sell his house ?
गीता क्यो नृत्य करने को थी ?    Why was Geeta to dance
वह तुम्हे क्यो मारने को था ?    Why was he to kill you ?
वे लोग क्या करने को थे ?    What were they to do ?
मेरा दोस्त कब पटना जाने वाला था ?     When was my friend to go to patna ?
सरकार कब मदद करने को थी ?    When was the government to help ?

शिक्षक कब पढाने को थे ?    When was the teacher to teach ?
लता कब गाने वाली थी ?    When was lata to sing ?
वे कब गाने को थे ?    When were they to sing ?
आपलोग कब जाने वाले थे ?    When were you to go ?
तुम्हारा भाई यहाँँ कब आनेवाला था ?    When was your brother to come here ?
तुम्हारा भाई यहाँ क्यो नही आने वाला था ?   Why was your brother not to come here ?
वह क्यो यह काम नही करने वाला था ?    Why was he not to do this work ?
राम तुमसे क्यो मिलने वाला था ?    Why was Ram to meet you ?
गाड़ी कब खुलने वाली थी ?    When was the train to start ?

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