Oxford Current English Translation Ex 214 & 215 Solution

Oxford Current English Translation Ex 214 & 215 Solution

Forms of Subjects Exercise 214 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation book by R.k Sinha.

Translate Hindi Into English
जो लड़का खेल रहा है वह मेरा भाई है ।
The boy who is playing is my brother.
जो लड़कें खेल रहे हैं वे मेरे दोस्त हैं ।
The boys who are playing are my friends.
जो गाय काली है वह मेरी है ।
The cow who/which is black is mine.
जो गायें काली हैं वे मेरी हैं ।
The cows who/which are black are mine.
जिस लड़के ने तुम्हारी कलम चुराई है वह मोहन है ।
The boy who has stolen your pen is mohan.
जो बच्चा सो रहा है वह मेरा पुत्र है ।
The child who is sleeping is my son.
जो बेईमान होते हैं वे आदर नहीं पाते ।
Those who are dishonest don’t get respect.
राम, जो दिल्ली मे रहता है, कल आ रहा है ।
Ram, who lives in delhi, is coming tomorrow.
आपके पिताजी, जो एक एसo डीo ओo हैं, एक ईमानदार ऑफिसर हैं ।
Your father, who is an S.D.O., is an honest officer.
मेरे पति, जो मुझे बहुत प्यार करते हैं, मेरे लिए कल एक साड़ी खरीद रहे हैं ।
My husband, who loves me a lot, is buying a saree for me tomorrow.
मेरे शिक्षक, जो मुझे अंग्रेजी पढाते हैं, कल नहीं आएंगे ।
My teacher, who teaches me english, will not come tomorrow.
रीता, जिससे तुम कल मिले थे, लंदन गई है ।
Reeta, whom you met yesterday, has gone to London.
राज, जिसे तुमने पीटा था, आज तुम्हें पीटेगा ।
Raj, whom you beat, will beat you today.
पटना, जो बिहार की राजधानी है, गंगा नदी के किनारे बसा हुआ है
Patna, which is the capital of bihar, is situated on the bank of the ganga.
यह लड़का, जिसे तुम अच्छी तरह जानते हो, एक चोर है ।
This boy, whom you know very well, is a thief.
राम, जिसके साथ तुम भ्रमण कर रहे थे, एक अच्छे लेखक रहे हैं ।
Ram, with whom you were traveling, has been a good writer.
रीता, जिसको तुम देख रहे थे, तुमसे नफरत करती है ।
Reeta, whom you were looking at, hates you.
शेक्सपियर, जो सबसे बड़े नाटककार थे, एक कवि भी थे ।
Shakespeare, who was a greatest dramatist, was also a poet.
मेरा घर, जिसमें मै रह रहा हूँ, एक अच्छा घर है ।
My house, in which I am living, is a good house.
जिस घर में मै रह रहा हूँ वह एक अच्छा घर है ।
The house in which I am living is a good house.
मेरा दोस्त, जिसका बेटा कोई काम नहीं करता, हमेशा उदास रहता है ।
My friend, whose son doesn’t do any work, is always sad.
गीता, जिसके पति दिल्ली मे रहते हैं, अपने पति के पास जाना चाहती है ।
Geeta, whose husband lives in delhi, wants to go to her husband.
पटना, जिसकी आबादी बहुत घनी है, एक व्यस्त शहर है
Patna, which population is very dense, is a busy city.
मेरा भाई, जो दिल्ली मे रहता है, कल आ रहा है ।
My brother, who lives in delhi, is coming tomorrow.
रीता, जिसे तुम चाहते हो, तुमसे प्यार नहीं करती ।
Reeta, whom you like/love, doesn’t love you.
वह लड़की, जिसे तुम चाहते हो, तुमसे प्यार नहीं करती ।
That girl, whom you like/love, doesn’t love you.
मोहन, जो तुम्हारा दोस्त है, ने यह काम किया है ।
Mohan, who is your friend, has done this work.
जो लड़का तुम्हारा दोस्त है उसने यह काम किया है ।
The boy who is your friend has done this work.
जिस लड़के के साथ मै खेल रहा था वह मोहन है ।
The boy with whom I was playing is mohan.
मोहन, जिसके साथ मै खेल रहा था, तुमसे मिलना चाहता है ।
Mohan, with whom I was playing, wants to meet you.
राम, जिसकी गायें अच्छी हैं, तुम्हें एक गाय देना चाहता है ।
Ram, whose cows are good, wants to give you a cow.
मेरी पुस्तकें, जिनके पन्ने फटे हैं, बेकार हैं ।
My books, whose pages are torn, are useless.
ताजमहल, जो आगरा मे है, देखने मे बहुत सुंदर है ।
The tajmahal, which/that is in agra, is very beautiful to look at.

Forms of Subjects Exercise 214 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation book by R.k Sinha.

Correct these Sentences :
Incorrect : The boy, who is playing he is my brother.
Correct : The boy who is playing is my brother.
Incorrect : My father who lives in London is coming today.
Correct : My father, who lives in London, is coming today.
Incorrect : My husband who I love so much is coming today.
Correct : My husband, whom I love so much, is coming today.
Incorrect : Rajiv Gandhi who was the prime minister of india was working hard to regain his chair.
Correct : Rajiv Gandhi, who was the prime minister of india, was working hard to regain his chair.
Incorrect : The book who is on the table is mine.
Correct : The book that/which is on the table is mine.
Incorrect : One who work hard get success.
Correct : One who works hard gets success.
Correct : Those who work hard get success.
Incorrect : The boy which I saw yesterday is coming today.
Correct : The boy whom I saw yesterday is coming today.
Incorrect : The table on that I was sitting was broken.
Correct : The table that I was sitting on was broken.

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