Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise 176 & 177 Solution Oxford Translation
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise 176 & 177 Solution Oxford Translation
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Future Perfect Continuous Tense Rules Structure Examples and Exercise Solution of Oxford Current English Translation.
सीता टहलती हुई रहेगी । Sita will have been walking.
तुम दस दिनो से यह काम करते रहोगे । You will have been doing this work for ten days.
मै 2030 ईo से आपका इंतजार करता रहूँगा । i shall have been waiting for you from 2030.Note : Period of time के साथ for तथा Point of time के साथ from का प्रयोग करें । Since का प्रयोग Future Tense के साथ नहीं होता है ।
सीता गाती हुई रहेगी । Sita will have been singing.
वह सोता हुआ रहेगा । He will have been sleeping.
वे टहलते हुए रहेंगे । They will have been walking.
मेरा भाई परीक्षा की तैयारी करता हुआ रहेगा । My brother will have been preparing for the examination.
वह दो घंटो से सोता रहेगा । He will have been sleeping for two hours.
वह घंटो से प्रतीक्षा करती रहेगी । She will have been waiting for hours.
मै एक घंटे से तैरता रहूँगा । i shall have been swimming for an hours.
हम 2025 ईo से देश की सेवा करते रहेंगे । We shall have been serving the country from 2025.
सीता आगामी सोमवार से प्रतीक्षा करती रहेगी । Sita will have been waiting from monday next.
वह दो दिनो से बहस करता रहेगा । He will have been discussing for two days.
कुत्ते रात भर भूकते रहेंगे । The dogs will have been barking for the whole night.
वे लोग 9 बजे से परीक्षा भवन मे बैठे रहेंगे । They will have been sitting in the examination hall from 9 o’ clock.
तुम कुछ दिनो से कुछ करते रहोगे । You will have been doing something for some days.
Negative & Interrogative Sentence Rules Structure Examples And Exercise Solution of Oxford Current English Translation
Subject + Shan’t/Won’t + have been + V-ing.
Interrogative Sentence Structure
shall/will + Subject + have been + V-ing ?
shall/will + Subject + not + have been + V-ing ?
shan’t/won’t + Subject + have been + V-ing ?
More Examples of F.F.C.T.
वह एक घंटे से नही पढता रहेगा । He will not have been reading for an hour.
क्या वकील दो घंटे से बहस करता रहेगा ? Will the pleader have been arguing for two hours ?
क्या तुम वर्षो से नही पछताते रहोगे ? Will you not have been repenting for years ?
वह चार दिनो से तुम्हारा इंतजार कयों नही करता रहेगा ?
Why will he not have been waiting for you for four days ?
Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 177 full Solution How to use of for & from in future Perfect Continuous Tense.
You will not have been doing your work from 2020.
क्या मै 2030 ईo से स्कूल मे पढाता रहूँगा ?
Shall i have been teaching in school from 2030 ?
क्या कुत्ते रात भर नही भूकते रहेंगे ? Will the dogs not have been barking for the whole night ?
क्या सीता सुबह से गाना नही गाती रहेगी ? Will Sita not have been singing a song from morning ?
वे दस बजे से क्या करते रहेंगे ? What will they have been doing from 10 o’ clock ?
क्या तुम्हारी पत्नी वर्षो से तुम्हारा इंतजार नही करती रहेगी ?
Will your wife not have been waiting for you for years ?
आप इसे चार दिनो से क्यो करते रहेंगे ? Why will you have been doing this for four days ?
वह कैसे इस काम को करने के लिए आगामी मंगलवार से कोशिश करता रहेगा ?
How will he have been trying to do for this work from tuesday next ?तुम चार दिनो से होटल मे क्यो ठहरी रहोगी ? Why will you have been staying in the hotel for four days ?