Digital Electronics/ 2-valued Boolean algebra and it’s theorem in Digital Logic with easy explanation.

Digital Electronics/ 2-valued Boolean algebra and it’s theorem in Digital Logic with easy explanation.

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 2-Valued Boolean Algebra & Its Theorems in Digital Logic

🔹 What is 2-Valued Boolean Algebra?

Boolean Algebra is a mathematical system used in digital electronics where variables take only two values:
✅ 0 (False / LOW)
✅ 1 (True / HIGH)

All digital circuits (AND, OR, NOT gates) use Boolean algebra to simplify logic expressions.

 Basic Boolean Operations

1️⃣ AND Operation (⋅)

  • Symbol: A⋅BA \cdot B or ABAB
  • Truth Table:
    A B A ⋅ B
    0 0 0
    0 1 0
    1 0 0
    1 1 1
  • Example: 1⋅1=1,1 \cdot 1 = 1, 0⋅1=00 \cdot 1 = 0

2️⃣ OR Operation (+)

  • Symbol: A+BA + B
  • Truth Table:
    A B A + B
    0 0 0
    0 1 1
    1 0 1
    1 1 1
  • Example: 1+0=1,1 + 0 = 1, 0+0=00 + 0 = 0

3️⃣ NOT Operation (¬ or ‘)

  • Symbol: A′A’ or ¬A\neg A
  • Truth Table:
    A A’
    0 1
    1 0
  • Example: 1′=0,1′ = 0, 0′=10′ = 1

 Boolean Algebra Theorems

These theorems help in simplifying logic circuits.

1️⃣ Identity Law

  • A+0=AA + 0 = A
  • A⋅1=AA \cdot 1 = A

2️⃣ Null Law

  • A+1=1A + 1 = 1
  • A⋅0=0A \cdot 0 = 0

3️⃣ Idempotent Law

  • A+A=AA + A = A
  • A⋅A=AA \cdot A = A

4️⃣ Involution Law

  • (A′)′=A(A’)’ = A

5️⃣ Complement Law

  • A+A′=1A + A’ = 1
  • A⋅A′=0A \cdot A’ = 0

6️⃣ Distributive Law

  • A⋅(B+C)=(A⋅B)+(A⋅C)A \cdot (B + C) = (A \cdot B) + (A \cdot C)
  • A+(B⋅C)=(A+B)⋅(A+C)A + (B \cdot C) = (A + B) \cdot (A + C)

7️⃣ Absorption Law

  • A+(A⋅B)=AA + (A \cdot B) = A
  • A⋅(A+B)=AA \cdot (A + B) = A

8️⃣ De Morgan’s Theorems

  • (A⋅B)′=A′+B′(A \cdot B)’ = A’ + B’
  • (A+B)′=A′⋅B′(A + B)’ = A’ \cdot B’

 Example: Simplify the Expression

Expression: A+(A⋅B)A + (A \cdot B)
Using Absorption Law:
A+(A⋅B)=AA + (A \cdot B) = A

So, instead of using a circuit with AND and OR gates, we can directly use A, saving hardware.


✔ Boolean Algebra is used in Digital Logic & Circuits.
✔ 2-Valued Boolean Algebra uses only 0 & 1.
✔ Boolean Theorems help simplify logic circuits.

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Digital Electronics/ 2-valued Boolean algebra and it’s theorem in Digital Logic with easy explanation.

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