What is Conservation Biology _ It’s Meaning and Definition The study of the preservation .

What is Conservation Biology _ It’s Meaning and Definition The study of the preservation .

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Conservation Biology: Meaning and Definition

Conservation Biology is the scientific study focused on the preservation, protection, and restoration of biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural habitats. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines ecology, genetics, environmental science, and management practices to prevent species extinction and habitat destruction.

Definition of Conservation Biology

According to Michael E. Soulé (Father of Conservation Biology):
“Conservation biology is a crisis-oriented discipline that addresses the loss of biodiversity and aims to maintain ecosystem integrity and species survival.”

Simplified Definition:
Conservation biology is the study of how to protect and sustain biodiversity, including wildlife, plants, and natural habitats, against threats like deforestation, climate change, and human activities.

Goals of Conservation Biology

  1. Protect Endangered Species – Prevent species from extinction.
  2. Preserve Biodiversity – Maintain genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity.
  3. Restore Degraded Ecosystems – Revive damaged forests, wetlands, and marine systems.
  4. Sustainable Resource Use – Promote environmentally friendly human activities.
  5. Combat Climate Change – Reduce global warming effects on ecosystems.

Importance of Conservation Biology

 Helps maintain ecological balance.
 Prevents species extinction and loss of biodiversity.
 Supports sustainable development for future generations.

 Protects natural resources like water, forests, and air quality.


Conservation biology is a critical field that ensures the survival of species, ecosystems, and natural resources through scientific research and sustainable management. It plays a key role in addressing modern environmental challenges like deforestation, climate change, and habitat destruction.

What is Conservation Biology _ It’s Meaning and Definition The study of the preservation .

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Diznr International

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