Past Perfect Tense Exercise 151 & 152 solution Oxford Translation by R.k Sinha

Past Perfect Tense Exercise 151 & 152 solution Oxford Translation by R.k Sinha

Past Perfect Tense me Since/for Prayog & it’s Examples & Exercise Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.

Past Perfect Tense का प्रयोग अनेक परिस्थितियों मे Present Perfect Tense के Past equivalent के रूप मे होता है । इस Tense के साथ भी since/for का प्रयोग होता है ।

Examples of Past Perfect Tense

मै पाँच दिन तक/से बीमार था ।     i  had been ill for five days.
मै दस वर्षो से/तक एक शिक्षक था/रहा था ।     i  had been a teacher for ten years.
वह बचपन से तेज था ।     He had been intelligent since his childhood.
उसने 2003 ईo से सेना मे काम किया था ।     He had served in the army since 2003.
उसने दस वर्षो से शराब नही पी थी ।     He had not drunk for ten years.

Examples of Present Perfect Tense

मै पाँच दिनो से बीमार हूँँ ।     i  have been ill for five days.
मै दस वर्षो से एक शिक्षक हूँँ/रहा हूँँ ।     i  have been a teacher for ten years.
वह बचपन से तेज है ।     He has been intelligent since his childhood.
उसने 2003 ईo से सेना मे काम किया है ।     He has served in the army since 2003.
उसने दस वर्षो से शराब नही पी है ।     He has not drunk for ten years.

Note :  Past Perfect Tense का प्रयोग Present Perfect Tense के ‘Past equivalent’ के रूप मे प्रायः तब किया जाता है जब वाक्य मे समयसूचक शब्द रहता है ।

Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 151 full Solution-Use of for or since in Past Perfect Tense.

Learn Hindi to English Translation

मै सोमवार से बीमार था ।      i  had been ill since monday.
मै सोमवार तक बीमार था ।     i  had been ill till Monday.
राम दस वर्षो तक एक शिक्षक रहा था ।      Ram had been a teacher for ten years.
राम पाँच दिनो तक अनुपस्थित था ।     Ram had been absent for five days.
वे गत सोमवार से अनुपस्थित थे ।      They had been absent since Monday last.
मै वर्षो से बीमार था ।      i  had been ill for years.
वे चार दिनो से ( तक ) बीमार थे ।      They had been ill for four days.
तुम्हारा भाई बचपन से तेज था ।     Your brother had been intelligent since his childhood.

गाँँधी जी बचपन से सत्यवादी रहे थे ।      Gandhi ji had been truthful since his childhood.
सीता बचपन से सुंदर थी ।      Sita had been beautiful since her childhood.
मै 2004 ईo से बीमार था ।      i  had been ill since 2004.
आप वर्षो से अनुपस्थित थे ।      You had been absent for years.
तुम दो वर्षो तक परेशान थे ।      You had been troubled for two years.
शादी के दिन से ही वह अप्रसन्न था ।      He had been unhappy since the day of his marriage.
वह दस रोज तक बीमार था ।      He had been ill for ten days.

वह दस वर्ष उस मकान मे रह चुकी थी, इसलिए उसे छोड़ना चाहती थी ।
She had lived in that house for ten years, so She wanted to leave that house.
मैने दस वर्षो तक सेना मे काम किया था, लेकिन उसके बाद  मैने एक किसान बनना चाहा ।
i  had served in the army for ten years, but after that  i  wanted to be a farmer.
वह सेना मे दस वर्ष काम कर चुका था, तब उसने अवकाश पाया और शादी की ।
He had served in the army for ten years, then He retired and got married.

Past Perfect Tense Negative and Interrogative Sentences of Oxford Translation Book by R.k Sinha.

अब इन वाक्यो पर विचार करें ।

वह सो गया था ।
मै पटना गया था ।
उसने मेरा काम किया था ।
मै परीक्षा मे प्रथम हुआ था ।

ऐसे वाक्यो का अनुवाद Past Perfect Tense की क्रिया की मदद से न करके ‘Past Indefinite Tense’ की क्रिया की मदद से करें यहाँ स्पष्ट है कि भूतकाल मे केवल एक ही काम हुआ है । तथा Past Perfect Tense की क्रिया के प्रयोग के लिए उपयुक्त context भी नही है । अतः उपर्युक्त वाक्यो का अनुवाद होगा ।

He slept.
i went to patna.
He did my work.
i stood first in the examination.

Negative Sentence Structure And Examples

Negative Word ( not/never ) को had तथा V3 के बीच में रखें । यानि Negative Sentence का Structure होगा ।

Subject + had + not + V3.
subject + hadn’t + V3.

इसके पूर्व मैंने ताजमहल नही देखा था ।      i  had not seen the Taj mahal before.
वह बचपन से ही सत्यवदी नही था ।      He had not been truthful since his childhood.
मेरे स्टेशन पहुंचने के पहले गाड़ी नही खुली थी ।      the train had not started before  i  reached the station.

Interrogative Sentence Structure & Examples 

Interrogative Sentence मे had को subject के पहले रखा जाता है । अर्थात वाक्य का structure होता है ।

Had + Subject + V3 ?
Hadn’t + Subject + V3 ?
Had + Subject + not + V3 ?

Example of Interrogative Sentence

क्या डॉक्टर के आने के पूर्व रोगी मर चुका था ?     Had the patient died before the doctor came?
क्या उसने पहले ही अपना सबक पुरा कर लिया था ?    Had he already completed his task ?
क्या तुम इसके पूर्व कश्मीर नही गए थे ?      Had you not visited kashmir before ?
क्या महात्मा गाँँधी बचपन से सत्यवदी नही थें ?     Hadn’t Mahatma gandhi been truthful since his childhood ?
क्या वह सेना मे वर्षो से नही था ?    Had he not been in the army for years.
Hadn’t he been in the army for years.
क्या वह 2005 ईo से बीमार नही थीं ?     Hadn’t she been ill since 2005 ?

Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 152 full Solution Use of Past Perfect Tense.

Learn Hindi to English Translation

डॉक्टर के पहुँँचने के पहले रोगी नही मर चुका था ।
The patient had not died before the doctor reached.
मैने इससे पहले कभी यह काम नही किया था ।
i  had never done this work before.
वे इसके पूर्व कई बार मुंबई जा चुके थे ।     They had gone to mumbai many times before.
महात्मा गाँँधी बचपन से तेज नही थे ।     Mahatma gandhi had not been intelligent since his childhood.
मै चार दिनो से अनुपस्थित नही था ।      i  had not been absent for four days.
मैने 2003 ईo से इस काॅलेज मे नही पढाया था ।     i  had not taught in this college since 2003.
उसने पहले ही अपना काम पूरा कर लिया था ।     He had already completed his work.
डॉक्टर के आने के पहले क्या रोगी मर चुका था ?     Had the patient died before the doctor came ?
क्या आप राजीव गांधी से कई बार मिल चुके थे ?
Had you met Rajeev gandhi many times ?
क्या तुमने अपना काम पहले ही पूरा कर लिया था ?
Had you already completed your work ?
क्या वह महीनो से अनुपस्थित नही था ?     Had he not been absent for months ?
क्या आपने इससे पहले कभी झूठ नही कहा था ?    Had you never told a lie before ?
क्या मेरे आने के पहले वह नही जा चुका था ?     Had he not gone before  i  came ?

क्या जब तुम स्कूल पहुंचे तो घंटी नही बज चुकी थी ?
Had the bell not rung when  i  reached school ?
क्या वह वर्षो से एक अच्छा विधार्थी नही रहा था ?    Had he not been a good student for years ?
वर्षा शुरू होने के पहले वह घर नही पहुंच चुका था ।     He had not reached house before the rain started.
क्या सीता पहले ही जंगल जाने का निर्णय ले चुकी थी ?
Had Sita already decided to go to forest ?
क्या तुमने इससे पहले इतना बड़ा हाथी नही देखा था ?
Had you not seen such a big elephant before ?

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