Past imperfect Tense Exercise 139 & 140 solution Oxford Current English Translation
Past Continuous Tense Uses of Rules, Examples And Exercise Solution of Oxford Current English Translation.
पहचान : हिंदी वाक्य की जिस क्रिया के अंत मे “रहा था/रहे थे/रही थी/रही थीं” लगा रहता है । उसका अनुवाद प्रायः Past imperfect Tense की उपयुक्त क्रिया द्वारा होता है । past imperfect Tense की क्रिया का रूप was/were + V-ing होता है ।
1. मै खा रहा था । i was eating.
2. वे लोग खा रहे थे । They were eating.
3. लड़के खेल रहे थे । The boys were playing.
Past imperfect Tense की क्रिया से यह पता चलता है कि कोई काम भूतकाल मे हो रहा था ।
Affirmative Sentences Structure & Solved Examples.
[ Subject + was/were + V-ing. ]
1. मै खा रहा था । i was eating.
2. आप रो रहे थे । you were weeping.
3. हमलोग पढ रहे थे । We were reading.
4. गीता टेनिस खेल रही थी । Geeta was playing tennis.
5. लड़के दौड़ रहे थे । The boys were running.
6. गायें चर रही थी । The cows were grazing.
7. राम प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था । Ram was waiting.
8. वह गाना गा रही थी । She was singing a song.
9. तुमलोग अपना काम कर रहे थे । you were doing your work.
10. राज अपने भाई को पीट रहा था । Raj was beating his brother.
11. राम और श्याम पटना जा रहे थे । Ram and Shyam were going to patna.
Note : अगर ऐसे वाक्यो मे समयसूचक शब्द जैसे दो घंटो से, 9 बजे से, मंगलवार से, 2000 ईo से इत्यादी रहे, तो उन क्रियाओं का अनुवाद Past Perfect Continuous Tense के उपयुक्त Verb द्वारा होगा जैसे
1. मै पढ रहा था । i was reading.
2. मै दो वर्षो से पढ रहा था । i had been reading for two years.
( दो वर्षो से, आने के कारण Past Perfect Continuous Tense का प्रयोग हुआ है । )
Past Continuous Tense Exercise 139 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.
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मै जा रहा था । i was going.
हमलोग जा रहे थे । we were going.
तुम पढ रही थी । you were reading.
आप सो रहे थे । you were sleeping.
आपलोग खेल रहे थे । you were playing.
वह खा रहा था । He was eating.
सीता गाना गा रही थी । Sita was singing a song.
वह सिलाई कर रही थी । She was sewing.
वे लोग इंतजार कर रहे थे । They were waiting.
बच्चे सो रहे थें । The children were sleeping.
रीता और गीता उपन्यास पढ रही थी । Reeta and gita were reading novels.
दर्शकगण ताली बजा रहे थे । The Spectators were claping.
शिक्षक हमलोगो को पढा रहे थे । The teacher was teaching us.
वह भीख माँग रहा था । He was begging.
मै तुम्हारा इंतजार कर रही थी । i was waiting for you.
वे अपना पाठ याद कर रहे थे । They were remembering their lesson.
मेरी पत्नी पत्र लिख रही थी । My wife was writing a letter.
मै एक घने जंगल से गुजर रहा था । i was passing through a dense forest.
गीता अपनी पुस्तक पढ रही थी । Geeta was reading her book.
वे निरीक्षण कर रहे थे । They were inspectring.
मूसलाधार वर्षा हो रही थी । it was raining cats and dogs.
बच्चे शोर मचा रहे थे । The children were making noises.
लड़कियाँ नृत्य कर रही थी । The girls were dancing.
तुमलोगो के भाई लोग वहाँ जा रहे थे । your brothers were going there.
मेरे शिक्षक तुम्हे पीट रहे थे । My teacher was beating you.
Past Imperfect Tense Negative Sentences Examples & Exercise Solution of Oxford Current English Translation.
Subject + was/were + not + V-ing.
1. मै नही खा रहा था । i was not reading.
2. मै नही झगर रहा था । i was not quarrelling.
3. कुत्ते नही भूक रहे थे । The dogs were not barking.
4. चिड़ियाँ नही चहचहा रही थी । The birds were not twittering.
5. वे लोग कुछ नही कर रहे थे । They were not doing anything. या They were doing nothing.
6. मै रोटी नहीं खा रहा था । i was not eating bread.
Negative Sentence Exercise 140 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.
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मै काम नही कर रहा था । i was not working.
वे लोग नही पढ रहे थे । They were not reading.
राम अपना बक्सा नही रंग रहा था । Ram was not dyeing his box.
ठंडी हवा नही बह रही थी । Cold wind was not blowing.
वे लोग मेरी सहायता नही कर रहे थे । They were not helping me.
माँ सिलाई नही कर रही थी । Mother was not sewing.
तुम पत्र नही लिख रहे थे । you were not writing a letter.
बिल्ली म्याऊँ म्याऊँ नही कर रही थी । The cat was not mewing.
आप अपना पाठ याद नही कर रहे थे । you were not remembering your lesson.
वर्षा नही हो रही थी । it was not raining.
दर्शकगण ताली नही बजा रहे थे । The Spectators were not claping.
वह भाषण नही कर रहे थे । He was not making a speech.
आकाश मे तारे नही चमक रहे थे । The stars were not shining in the sky.
वह चावल नही तौल रहा था । He was not weighting rice.
मजदूर लोग गड्ढा नही खोद रहे थे । The labourers were not diging a pit.
बूढी औरत नही रो रही थी । The old woman was not weeping.
हमारे दोस्त लोग आनंद नही मना रहे थे । Our friends were not enjoying.
तुमलोग काम नही कर रहे थे । you were not working.
डॉक्टर रोगी की देखभाल नही कर रहे थे । The doctor was not looking after the patient.
वह नही खड़ी थी । She didn’t stand.
वह नही मर रही थी । She was not dying.
मै तुम्हारे बारे मे नही सोच रहा था । i was not thinking about you.
तुमलोग नही झगर रहे थे । you were not quarrelling.
फूल नही खिल रहे थे । The flower was not blooming.
सभी बच्चे नही रो रहे थे । All the children were not weeping.
मेरे पिताजी अखबार नही पढ रहे थे । My father was not reading the news paper.
वह मेरे यहाँ नही आ रहा था । He was not coming to me.
वे लोग अपना काम नही कर रहे थे । They were not doing their work.
सीता और गीता बाते नही कर रही थी । Sita and gita were not talking.