Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 66 & 68 Solution
Use of Had : Had का प्रयोग ।
How to Use of had, it’s Examples & Exercise full Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.
Had का प्रयोग बहुत ही आसान है । सभी Subject के साथ Had ही लगता है । क्योंकि Past Tense मे Verb to have का एक ही रूप Had होता है । Had का प्रयोग भूतकाल मे अधिकार/संबंध का भाव प्रकट करने मे किया जाता है ।
Book Solved Examples of had
1. मुझे एक घोड़ा था । i had a horse.
2. क्या राम के पास बैल था ? Had Ram an ox ?
3. उसे कब एक कार थी ? When had he a car ?
4. राम के पास समय नही था । Ram had no time.
5. सीता के पास कलम नही थी । Sita had not a pen.
6. तुम्हारे पास समय क्यो नही था ? Why had you no time ?
7. क्या उसे कल दस रुपये थे ? Had he ten rupees yesterday ?
Use of had Exercise 66 Solution of Oxford English Translation by R.k Sinha.
Hindi to English Translation of had
मेरे पास एक गाय थी । i had a cow.
हमलोगो के पास एक कार थी । We had a car.
सीता के पास एक गुड़िया थी । Sita had a doll.
तुम्हे एक सुंदर चेहरा था । you had a beautiful face.
मेरे पास पर्याप्त समय था । i had enough time.
वे लोग एक जीप रखते थे । they had a jeep.
मोहन के पास पुस्तकेंं थी । Mohan had books.
लड़को के पास कलमेंं थी । the boys had pens.
मुझे बहुत से दोस्त थे । i had a lot of friends.
मुझे आराम था । i had rest.
हमलोगों को आजादी थी । We had freedom.
तुम्हारे पास करने के लिए काम था । You had word to do.
मेरे पास सोने के लिए वक्त था । i had time to sleep.
राम के पास ज्ञान था । Ram had knowledge.
सीता को सुन्दरता थी । Sita had beauty.
तुम्हे ताकत थी । you had strength.
उसे गहन ज्ञान था । He had deep knowledge.
[ B ]
मेरे पास गाय नही थी । i had no cow./i had not a car.
राम के पास कलमेंं नही थी । Ram had no pens.
तुम्हारे पास समय नही था । you had no time.
मेरे पास कार नही थी । i had no car./i had not a car.
तुम्हारे पास कुछ नही था । you had nothing.
हमलोगो को स्वतंत्रता नही थी । We had no freedom.
मुझे कोई दोस्त नही था । i had no friend./ i had not any friend.
उनलोगो का कोई नेता नही था । they had no leader./ They had not any leader.
आपके पास कोई दूसरा उपाय नही था । you had no other alternative.
तुमलोगो के पास काम नही था । you had no work.
[ C ]
क्या मेरे पास एक गाय थी ? Had i a cow.
क्या श्याम बाबू के पास अच्छी पुस्तकेंं थी ? Had shyam babu good books ?
क्या उसके पास एक उजला घोड़ा था ? Had he a white horse ?
क्या इस आदमी के पास दो नौकर थे ? Had this man two servants ?
क्या तुम्हारे पास समय नही था ? Had you no time ?
राम के पास समय नही था । Ram had no time ?
सीता को कैसे सुन्दरता नही थी ? How had sita no beauty ?
मेरे पास धन क्यो नही था ? Why had i no wealth ?
हरि के जीवन में आनंद क्यों नहीं था ? Why had hair’s life no pleasure ?
तुम्हारे पास कार कब थी ? When had you a car ?
रीता के पुत्र क्यो नही थे ? Why had Rita no son ?
उनलोगो के पास कैसे समय नही था ? How had they no time ?
तुम्हारे पास कब मेरे लिए वक्त था ? When had you time for me ?
तुम्हारे पास अच्छी पुस्तके नही थी । you had no good books ?
तुम कब कार रखते थे ? When had you a car ?
तुम्हे कब बहुत से दोस्त थे ? When had you a lot of friends ?
उसे कब अक्ल थी ? When had he sense ?
हमलोगो को कब संतुष्टि थी ? When had we satisfaction ?
उसके पास कैसे मेरे लिए पैसे थे ? How had he money for me ?
तुम्हे कब पर्याप्त समय नही था ? When had you not enough time ?
क्या गीता को एक अच्छा पति नही है ? Has Geeta not a good husband ?
क्या तुम्हे स्वतंत्रता नही है ? Have you no freedom ?
राम के पास कार क्यो नही है ? Why has Ram no car ?/ Why has Ram not a car ?
तुम्हारे पास सोचने का समय नही था । you had no time to think.
उसे कब संतुष्टि थी ? When had he satisfaction ?
How to Use of Shall have And Will have, it’s Examples & Exercise Solution of Oxford Translation.
सामान्यतः i और We के साथ ” Shall have “ तथा अन्य सभी Subjects के साथ will have का प्रयोग होता है ।
1. Shall / Will के बाद has का प्रयोग कभी नही होता है
2. Shall / Will के बाद not का प्रयोग कर Negative Sentence तथा Shall या Will को Subject के पहले रखकर Interrogative Sentence बनाऐ जाते हैं ।
Example of Shall have/Will have
1. तुम्हें शान्ति मिलेगी । you will have peace.
2. मेरे पास एक कार होगी । i shall have a car.
3. हमें सफलता मिलेगी । We shall have success.
4. राम को एक घर होगा । Ram will have a house.
5. उनलोगो के पास काम होगा । They will have work.
6. मेरे पास घोड़ा नही होगा । i shall not have a horse.
7. क्या आपके पास कार होगी ? will you have a car ?
8. उसके पास पैसे नही रहेंगे । He will not have money.
9. हमें कैसे सफलता मिलेगी ? How shall we have success ?
10. आपको कब शांति मिलेगी ? When will you have peace ?
Use of Shall have and Will have Exercise 68 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation.
Hindi to English Translation of Shall have & Will have
आपके पास चार गायेंं होगी । You will have four cows.
मेरे पास एक अच्छी कार होगी । i shall have a good car.
तुम्हारे पास दौलत होगी । you will have wealth.
उसे सफलता मिलेगी । He will have success.
हमे पर्याप्त पैसे रहेंगे । We shall have enough money.
हमलोगो के पास एक मददगार होगा । We shall have a helper.
सीता को एक पुत्र होगा । Sita will have a son.
तुम्हारे पास कार नही होगी । you will not have a car.
तुम्हारे पास समय नही होगा । you will not have time.
मेरे पास पैसे नही रहेगे । i shall not have money.
रोगी को राहत नही मिलेगी । The patient will not have relief.
तुम्हारे पास कोई काम नही होगा । you will not have any work.
तुम्हे शान्ति नही मिलेगी । you will not have peace.
राम को सफलता नही मिलेगी । Ram will not have success.
क्या आपके पास कार होगी ? Will you have a car ?
क्या मुझे दौलत नही होगी ? Shall i not have wealth ?
क्या आपके पास एक कार नही होगी ? Will you not have a car ?
क्या भारत का एक अच्छा भविष्य होगा ? Will india have a good future ?
क्या विद्वानो को इज्जत मिलेगी ? Will the learned/the scholar have respect ?
क्या हमलोगो को पर्याप्त समय नही मिलेगा ? Shall we not have enough time ?
तुम्हे कैसे इज्जत मिलेगी ? How will you have respect ?
तुम्हारे पास समय क्यो नही होगा ? Why will you not have time ?
भारत के पास खाध समस्या क्यो नही रहेगी ? Why will india not have food problem ?
तुम्हारे पास मेरे लिए समय क्यो नही रहेगा ? Why will you not have time for me ?
क्या भारत के पास पर्याप्त तेल रहेगा ? Will india have enough oil ?
क्या उनलोगो के पास करने के लिए कुछ नही होगा ? Will they have nothing to do ?
तुम्हे कब अक्ल होगी ? When will you have sense ?
क्या उसे गरीबो के लिए दया होगी ? Will he have pity for the poor ?
The solutions for Exercises 66 and 68 from the “Oxford Current English Translation” book focus on the use of the verb “to have” in various contexts. Here’s a brief overview:
Exercise 66: Use of ‘Had’
This exercise emphasizes the past tense form of “to have,” which is “had” for all subjects. It is used to indicate possession or relationships in the past. For example:
- “मेरे पास एक गाय थी।” translates to “I had a cow.”
- “हमलोगों के पास एक कार थी।” translates to “We had a car.”
- “सीता के पास एक गुड़िया थी।” translates to “Sita had a doll.”
Exercise 68: Use of ‘Shall have’ and ‘Will have’
This exercise deals with expressing future possession or relationships. Typically, “shall have” is used with “I” and “we,” while “will have” is used with other subjects. For example:
- “आपके पास चार गायें होंगी।” translates to “You will have four cows.”
- “मेरे पास एक अच्छी कार होगी।” translates to “I shall have a good car.”
- “तुम्हारे पास दौलत होगी।” translates to “You will have wealth.”
For a comprehensive understanding and more examples, you can refer to the detailed solutions provided in the source below:
Additionally, video explanations can be beneficial for grasping these concepts:
- Exercise 66 Solutions:
- Exercise 68 Solutions:
These resources should assist you in mastering the use of “had,” “shall have,” and “will have” in English translations.