Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 66 & 68 Solution
Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 66 & 68 Solution
Use of Had : Had का प्रयोग ।
How to Use of had, it’s Examples & Exercise full Solution of Oxford Current English Translation by R.k Sinha.
Had का प्रयोग बहुत ही आसान है । सभी Subject के साथ Had ही लगता है । क्योंकि Past Tense मे Verb to have का एक ही रूप Had होता है । Had का प्रयोग भूतकाल मे अधिकार/संबंध का भाव प्रकट करने मे किया जाता है ।
Book Solved Examples of had
1. मुझे एक घोड़ा था । i had a horse.
2. क्या राम के पास बैल था ? Had Ram an ox ?
3. उसे कब एक कार थी ? When had he a car ?
4. राम के पास समय नही था । Ram had no time.
5. सीता के पास कलम नही थी । Sita had not a pen.
6. तुम्हारे पास समय क्यो नही था ? Why had you no time ?
7. क्या उसे कल दस रुपये थे ? Had he ten rupees yesterday ?
Use of had Exercise 66 Solution of Oxford English Translation by R.k Sinha.
Hindi to English Translation of had
मेरे पास एक गाय थी । i had a cow.
हमलोगो के पास एक कार थी । We had a car.
सीता के पास एक गुड़िया थी । Sita had a doll.
तुम्हे एक सुंदर चेहरा था । you had a beautiful face.
मेरे पास पर्याप्त समय था । i had enough time.
वे लोग एक जीप रखते थे । they had a jeep.
मोहन के पास पुस्तकेंं थी । Mohan had books.
लड़को के पास कलमेंं थी । the boys had pens.
मुझे बहुत से दोस्त थे । i had a lot of friends.
मुझे आराम था । i had rest.
हमलोगों को आजादी थी । We had freedom.
तुम्हारे पास करने के लिए काम था । You had word to do.
मेरे पास सोने के लिए वक्त था । i had time to sleep.
राम के पास ज्ञान था । Ram had knowledge.
सीता को सुन्दरता थी । Sita had beauty.
तुम्हे ताकत थी । you had strength.
उसे गहन ज्ञान था । He had deep knowledge.
[ B ]
मेरे पास गाय नही थी । i had no cow./i had not a car.
राम के पास कलमेंं नही थी । Ram had no pens.
तुम्हारे पास समय नही था । you had no time.
मेरे पास कार नही थी । i had no car./i had not a car.
तुम्हारे पास कुछ नही था । you had nothing.
हमलोगो को स्वतंत्रता नही थी । We had no freedom.
मुझे कोई दोस्त नही था । i had no friend./ i had not any friend.
उनलोगो का कोई नेता नही था । they had no leader./ They had not any leader.
आपके पास कोई दूसरा उपाय नही था । you had no other alternative.
तुमलोगो के पास काम नही था । you had no work.
[ C ]
क्या मेरे पास एक गाय थी ? Had i a cow.
क्या श्याम बाबू के पास अच्छी पुस्तकेंं थी ? Had shyam babu good books ?
क्या उसके पास एक उजला घोड़ा था ? Had he a white horse ?
क्या इस आदमी के पास दो नौकर थे ? Had this man two servants ?
क्या तुम्हारे पास समय नही था ? Had you no time ?
राम के पास समय नही था । Ram had no time ?
सीता को कैसे सुन्दरता नही थी ? How had sita no beauty ?
मेरे पास धन क्यो नही था ? Why had i no wealth ?
हरि के जीवन में आनंद क्यों नहीं था ? Why had hair’s life no pleasure ?
तुम्हारे पास कार कब थी ? When had you a car ?
रीता के पुत्र क्यो नही थे ? Why had Rita no son ?
उनलोगो के पास कैसे समय नही था ? How had they no time ?
तुम्हारे पास कब मेरे लिए वक्त था ? When had you time for me ?
तुम्हारे पास अच्छी पुस्तके नही थी । you had no good books ?
तुम कब कार रखते थे ? When had you a car ?
तुम्हे कब बहुत से दोस्त थे ? When had you a lot of friends ?
उसे कब अक्ल थी ? When had he sense ?
हमलोगो को कब संतुष्टि थी ? When had we satisfaction ?
उसके पास कैसे मेरे लिए पैसे थे ? How had he money for me ?
तुम्हे कब पर्याप्त समय नही था ? When had you not enough time ?
क्या गीता को एक अच्छा पति नही है ? Has Geeta not a good husband ?
क्या तुम्हे स्वतंत्रता नही है ? Have you no freedom ?
राम के पास कार क्यो नही है ? Why has Ram no car ?/ Why has Ram not a car ?
तुम्हारे पास सोचने का समय नही था । you had no time to think.
उसे कब संतुष्टि थी ? When had he satisfaction ?
How to Use of Shall have And Will have, it’s Examples & Exercise Solution of Oxford Translation.
सामान्यतः i और We के साथ ” Shall have “ तथा अन्य सभी Subjects के साथ will have का प्रयोग होता है ।
1. Shall / Will के बाद has का प्रयोग कभी नही होता है
2. Shall / Will के बाद not का प्रयोग कर Negative Sentence तथा Shall या Will को Subject के पहले रखकर Interrogative Sentence बनाऐ जाते हैं ।
Example of Shall have/Will have
1. तुम्हें शान्ति मिलेगी । you will have peace.
2. मेरे पास एक कार होगी । i shall have a car.
3. हमें सफलता मिलेगी । We shall have success.
4. राम को एक घर होगा । Ram will have a house.
5. उनलोगो के पास काम होगा । They will have work.
6. मेरे पास घोड़ा नही होगा । i shall not have a horse.
7. क्या आपके पास कार होगी ? will you have a car ?
8. उसके पास पैसे नही रहेंगे । He will not have money.
9. हमें कैसे सफलता मिलेगी ? How shall we have success ?
10. आपको कब शांति मिलेगी ? When will you have peace ?
Use of Shall have and Will have Exercise 68 Solution of Oxford Current English Translation.
Hindi to English Translation of Shall have & Will have
आपके पास चार गायेंं होगी । You will have four cows.
मेरे पास एक अच्छी कार होगी । i shall have a good car.
तुम्हारे पास दौलत होगी । you will have wealth.
उसे सफलता मिलेगी । He will have success.
हमे पर्याप्त पैसे रहेंगे । We shall have enough money.
हमलोगो के पास एक मददगार होगा । We shall have a helper.
सीता को एक पुत्र होगा । Sita will have a son.
तुम्हारे पास कार नही होगी । you will not have a car.
तुम्हारे पास समय नही होगा । you will not have time.
मेरे पास पैसे नही रहेगे । i shall not have money.
रोगी को राहत नही मिलेगी । The patient will not have relief.
तुम्हारे पास कोई काम नही होगा । you will not have any work.
तुम्हे शान्ति नही मिलेगी । you will not have peace.
राम को सफलता नही मिलेगी । Ram will not have success.
क्या आपके पास कार होगी ? Will you have a car ?
क्या मुझे दौलत नही होगी ? Shall i not have wealth ?
क्या आपके पास एक कार नही होगी ? Will you not have a car ?
क्या भारत का एक अच्छा भविष्य होगा ? Will india have a good future ?
क्या विद्वानो को इज्जत मिलेगी ? Will the learned/the scholar have respect ?
क्या हमलोगो को पर्याप्त समय नही मिलेगा ? Shall we not have enough time ?
तुम्हे कैसे इज्जत मिलेगी ? How will you have respect ?
तुम्हारे पास समय क्यो नही होगा ? Why will you not have time ?
भारत के पास खाध समस्या क्यो नही रहेगी ? Why will india not have food problem ?
तुम्हारे पास मेरे लिए समय क्यो नही रहेगा ? Why will you not have time for me ?
क्या भारत के पास पर्याप्त तेल रहेगा ? Will india have enough oil ?
क्या उनलोगो के पास करने के लिए कुछ नही होगा ? Will they have nothing to do ?
तुम्हे कब अक्ल होगी ? When will you have sense ?
क्या उसे गरीबो के लिए दया होगी ? Will he have pity for the poor ?