Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise 176 & 177 Solution Oxford Translation

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise 176 & 177 Solution Oxford Translation

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Rules Structure Examples and Exercise Solution of Oxford Current English Translation.

यदि हिंदी वाक्य के क्रियाओं से यह बोध हो कि कार्य भविष्य मे कुछ समय तक जारी रहेगा, तो वैसी क्रियाओं का अनुवाद प्रायः Future Perfect Continuous Tense  के  उपयुक्त  Verb यानि  shall/will + have been + V-ing  द्वारा होगा । जैसे
मै खाता हुआ रहूँगा ।      i shall have been eating.
सीता टहलती हुई रहेगी ।       Sita will have been walking.
तुम दस दिनो से यह काम करते रहोगे ।       You will have been doing this work for ten days.
मै 2030 ईo से आपका इंतजार करता रहूँगा ।      i shall have been waiting for you from 2030.Note : Period of time के साथ for तथा Point of time के साथ from का प्रयोग करें । Since का प्रयोग Future Tense के साथ नहीं होता है ।
Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 176 full Solution Translate Hindi to English Right way.  
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मै पढता रहूँगा ।      i shall be reading.
सीता गाती हुई रहेगी ।      Sita will have been singing.
वह सोता हुआ रहेगा ।      He will have been sleeping.
वे टहलते हुए रहेंगे ।      They will have been walking.
मेरा भाई परीक्षा की तैयारी करता हुआ रहेगा ।     My brother will have been preparing for the examination.
वह दो घंटो से सोता रहेगा ।     He will have been sleeping for two hours.
वह घंटो से प्रतीक्षा करती रहेगी ।      She will have been waiting for hours.

मै एक घंटे से तैरता रहूँगा ।      i shall have been swimming for an hours.
हम 2025 ईo से देश की सेवा करते रहेंगे ।      We shall have been serving the country from 2025.
सीता आगामी सोमवार से प्रतीक्षा करती रहेगी ।      Sita will have been waiting from monday next.
वह दो दिनो से बहस करता रहेगा ।     He will have been discussing for two days.
कुत्ते रात भर भूकते रहेंगे ।       The dogs will have been barking for the whole night.

लड़के घंटो से हो हल्ला करते रहेंगे ।      The boys will have been making a noise for hours.वे लोग वर्षो से काम करते रहेंगे ।      They will have been working for years.
मै सुबह से कुछ करता रहूँगा ।       i shall have been doing something from morning.
वे लोग 9 बजे से परीक्षा भवन मे बैठे रहेंगे ।      They will have been sitting in the examination hall from 9 o’ clock.
तुम कुछ दिनो से कुछ करते रहोगे ।      You will have been doing something for some days.

Negative & Interrogative Sentence Rules Structure Examples And Exercise Solution of Oxford Current English Translation

Negative Sentence StructureSubject + shall/will + not + have been + V-ing.
Subject + Shan’t/Won’t + have been + V-ing.

Interrogative Sentence Structure

shall/will + Subject + have been + V-ing ?
shall/will + Subject + not + have been + V-ing ?
shan’t/won’t + Subject + have been + V-ing ?

More Examples of F.F.C.T.

वह एक घंटे से नही पढता रहेगा ।      He will not have been reading for an hour.
क्या वकील दो घंटे से बहस करता रहेगा ?      Will the pleader have been arguing for two hours ?
क्या तुम वर्षो से नही पछताते रहोगे ?     Will you not have been repenting for years ?
वह चार दिनो से तुम्हारा इंतजार कयों नही करता रहेगा ?
Why will he not have been waiting for you for four days ?

Oxford Current English Translation Exercise 177 full Solution How to use of for & from in future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Learn Hindi to English Translationतुम 2020 ईo से अपना काम नही करते रहोगे ।
You will not have been doing your work from 2020.
क्या मै 2030 ईo से स्कूल मे पढाता रहूँगा ?
Shall i have been teaching in school from 2030 ?
क्या कुत्ते रात भर नही भूकते रहेंगे ?     Will the dogs not have been barking for the whole night ?
क्या सीता सुबह से गाना नही गाती रहेगी ?     Will Sita not have been singing a song from morning ?
वे दस बजे से क्या करते रहेंगे ?     What will they have been doing from 10 o’ clock ?
क्या हमलोग आगामी सोमवार से परीक्षा की तैयारी नही करते रहेंगे ?     Will We not have been preparing for the examination from monday next ?
क्या तुम्हारी पत्नी वर्षो से तुम्हारा इंतजार नही करती रहेगी ?
Will your wife not have been waiting for you for years ?
आप इसे चार दिनो से क्यो करते रहेंगे ?     Why will you have been doing this for four days ?
वह कैसे इस काम को करने के लिए आगामी मंगलवार से कोशिश करता रहेगा ?
How will he have been trying to do for this work from tuesday next ?तुम चार दिनो से होटल मे क्यो ठहरी रहोगी ?     Why will you have been staying in the hotel for four days ?
वे लोग देश की सेवा वर्षो से नही करते रहेंगे ।     They will not have been serving the country for years.
मै आगामी सोमवार से आपका इंतजार नही करता रहूँगा ।
i shall not have been waiting for you from monday next.
क्या सीता चार दिनो से गाना नही गाती रहेगी ?     Will Sita not have been singing a song for four days ?
वह आगामी दस दिनो से क्या करता रहेगा ?     What will he have been doing for next ten days ?