One Word Substitution Quiz in English for Competitive Examinations such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, BANKS, CDS, NDA, MBA, RAILWAYS, PSC, etc.
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- Create Date January 11, 2024
- Last Updated January 27, 2024
Under this section users can play unlimited number of free quiz or test related to One Word Substitution. This section contains 750 One Word Substitution questions previously asked in various competitive examinations such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, BANKS, CDS, NDA, MBA, RAILWAYS, PSC, etc. Under this Test / Quiz, 10 multiple choice questions related to One Word Substitution will be displayed with four options. These questions are selected randomly from our One Word Substitution database. Users will have to select one of the four options given which they think is the correct answer. After attempting all the questions users will have to select Check Result option which will take them to the result page. In the result page users will be shown detailed result such as number of correct and wrong answer along with percentage obtained. It will also show the correct answer to each questions.
Directions (1-15): Out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence in the question.
Q1. A small valley
(a) Seethe
(b) Dell
(c) Hite
(d) Blanch
S1. Ans.(b)
Q2. A person without a home, job or property.
(a) Derelict
(b) Hoary
(c) Coy
(d) Prattle
S2. Ans.(a)
Q3. Excessive publicity.
(a) Pinion
(b) Hype
(c) Maraud
(d) Subaltern
S3. Ans.(b)
Q4. To take someone somewhere suddenly and quickly.
(a) Rush
(b) Whisk
(c) Fly
(d) Flit
S4. Ans.(b)
Q5. A flat waste land
(a) Welt
(b) Pert
(c) Heath
(d) Aria
S5. Ans.(c)
Q6. Seat on elephant’s back
(a) Howdah
(b) Dote
(c) Endue
(d) Hurtle
S6. Ans.(a)
Q7. A person who hates new things.
(a) Alcove
(b) Misoneist
(c) Whet
(d) Lancet
S7. Ans.(b)
Q8. Customs and habits of a particular group.
(a) Mores
(b) Frieze
(c) Fallow
(d) Passe
S8. Ans.(a)
Q9. Loop of rope.
(a) Repine
(b) Rankle
(c) Noose
(d) Flay
S9. Ans.(c)
Q10. A branch of medical science that deal with nose and its disease.
(a) Phrenology
(b) Cheiloscopy
(c) Osteoarthritis
(d) Pulmonology
S10. Ans.(a)
Q11. Platform on which criminals are executed.
(a) Revelry
(b) Scaffold
(c) Delve
(d) Purvey
S11. Ans.(b)
Q12. Having the same source or origin.
(a) Gibe
(b) Polemic
(c) Cognate
(d) Dais
S12. Ans.(c)
Q13. Secret or illegal religious meeting.
(a) Conventicler
(b) Carrion
(c) Haggle
(d) Savant
S13. Ans.(a)
Q14. Sudden attack of another’s territory.
(a) Masque
(b) Inroad
(c) Pilferage
(d) Mien
S14. Ans.(b)
Q15. Placing thing beside another.
(a) Juxtapose
(b) Warble
(c) Spot
(d) Repository
S15. Ans.(a)
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