Day 01Part 19- Operating System for gate%20 computer science – Concept of n processor System

Day 01Part 19- Operating System for gate%20 computer science – Concept of n processor System


In operating systems, a multiprocessor system refers to a computer system with multiple processors (CPUs) that work collaboratively to execute tasks. These systems can be categorized based on how they share memory and resources:

  1. Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP): All processors share a single, unified memory space and have equal access to I/O devices. This architecture allows any processor to execute any task, promoting load balancing and fault tolerance.

  2. Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP): Each processor is assigned specific tasks, and there’s typically a master-slave relationship among processors. One processor controls the system, while others perform assigned tasks.

Key Concepts in Multiprocessor Systems:

Understanding these concepts is crucial for the GATE Computer Science exam, as questions related to multiprocessor systems often appear under topics like operating systems and computer architecture. For a comprehensive study, refer to standard textbooks and resources that cover these topics in depth.

Day 01Part 19- Operating System for gate%20 computer science – Concept of n processor System


Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition