Change Direct to Indirect Speech Special Rules Part 3 Oxford Grammar by R.k Sinha

Change Direct to Indirect Speech Special Rules Part 3 Oxford Grammar by R.k Sinha

How to Change Optative Sentence into Indirect Speech its Changing Rules, Structure, Examples and Exercise full Solution.

परिभाषा : ऐसे वाक्य जिससे आशीर्वाद देने, प्रार्थना करने, अभिशाप देने तथा मनोकामना के भाव का बोध हो, उसे Optative Sentence कहते हैं ।

Wish   इच्छा
Prayer   प्रार्थना
Bless  आशीर्वाद
Curse  अभिशाप

Change Optative Sentences into Indirect Speech Special Rules, Structure & Example

1. Reporting Verb ( said ) को वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार निम्न प्रकार से बदलते हैं ।

प्रार्थना          Prayed
अभिशाप      Crused
आशीर्वाद      blessed
मनोकामना     Wished

2. Inverted comma के स्थान पर that का प्रयोग करते हैं ।

3. Mark of Exclamation को full stop ( . ) मे बदल देते हैं ।

4. Wished/Prayed के बाद Object का प्रयोग नही करते हैं ।

5. Optative sentence को Assertive sentence मे बदल दें और फिर उन्हें Indirect speech मे change करें । निम्न प्रकार से Optative sentence को Assertive sentence मे बदलते हैं ।

Assertive sentence structure

Subject + may + Verb + other + .

Optative sentence           Assertive sentence

May you die !                                   You may die.

God bless you !                    God may bless you.

May you live long !               You may live long.

May you be happy !             You may be happy.

May God help him !             God may help him.

Long live the king !      The king may live long.

May you get success !      You may get success.

May God save the king ! God may save the king.

Long live our friendship !  Our friendship may live long.

Note : Optative sentence मे May का प्रयोग हो या न हो, किन्तु Assertive sentence मे May का प्रयोग होगा ।

6. यदि Optative sentence मे May का प्रयोग नहीं हो । तो वाक्य के आरंभ मे May को जोड़ दें । और फिर वाक्य को Assertive मे बदले, और फिर उसे Indirect speech मे change कर दें ।

Direct : The saint said, ” God bless you ! ”
Direct : The saint said, ” May God bless you ! ”

Assertive : The saint said, ” God May bless you ! ”

Indirect : The saint prayed that God might bless me.

7. यदि Inverted comma के अंदर second person ( you, your, yours ) रहे, और Reporting Verb ( said ) के बाद Object न रहे ।  तो फिर second person को बदलने के लिए वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार उपयुक्त Object ( me ) को अपने मन मे रखकर बदल देते हैं ।

चुने गए उपयुक्त Object को Reporting Verb ( said ) के बाद लिखते नहीं हैं, सिर्फ मन मे रखकर second person को बदल देते हैं ।

The saint said, ” May God bless you ! ”
The saint prayed that God might bless me.

He said, ” May you die ! ”
He crused that  i  might die.

Oxford Current English Grammar Exercise 85 Solution Change Optative Sentences into indirect speech Special Rules.

1. He said to me, ” May you get success ! ”
He wished that i might get success.

2. The mother said to her son, ” May God bless you ! ”
The mother prayed that God might bless him.

3. He said to her, ” May you succeed ! ”
He wished that she might succeed.

4. He said, ” God save the king ! ”
He prayed that God might save the king.

5. They said, ” Long live our friendship ! ”
They wished that their friendship might live long.

6. The people said, ” Long live the king ! ”
The people wished/prayed that the king might live long.

7. The woman said, ” May you die of cholera ! ”
The woman crused that he might die of cholera.

8. The labourers said, ” Long live our unity ! ”
The labourers prayed/wished that their unity might live long.

9. He said, ” May God pardon this sinner ! ”
He prayed that God might pardon that sinner.

10. My father said to me, ” May God help you ! ”
My father prayed that God might help me.

11. He said, ” May you die ! ”
He crused that i might die.

12. We said, ” May the soul of gandhiji get peace in the heaven ! ”
We prayed that the soul of gandhiji might get peace in the heaven.

13. He said, ” May the chief minister live long ! ”
He wished that the chief minister might live long.

14. He said to me, ” May you live long ! ”
He blessed me that i might live long.

15. The teacher said to me, ” May you get success in life ! ”
The teacher wished that i might success in life.

16. The people said, ” God save the nation ! ”
The people prayed that God might save the nation.

17. My friend said, ” May God help you ! ”
My friend prayed that God might help me.

18. She said to her neighbour, ” May you die soon ! ”
She crused her neighbour that he/she might die soon.

19. i said to her, ” you be happy in life ! ”
i wished that she might be happy in life.

20. He said, ” May God protect you always ! ”
He prayed that God might protect me always.

21. Sheela said to him, ” May God bless you ! ”
Sheela prayed that God might bless him.

22. My father said to me, ” May you get success ! ”
My father wished that i might get success.
My father blessed me that i might get success.

23. My mother said, ” May God help you ! ”
My mother prayed that God might help me.

24. My sister said to me, ” you be happy ! ”
My sister wished that i might be happy.

25. Rohit said to me, ” May you win the match ! ”
Rohit wished that i might win the match.

Some Other Important thing about change Optative Sentences into Indirect Speech.

Note : wished/Prayed के बाद Object का प्रयोग न करें ।

परंतु यदि आप wished/Prayed के बाद Object का प्रयोग करना चाहते हैं तो for + Object का प्रयोग करें ।

आइये इसे Examples से समझते हैं ।

My mother said to me, ” May God save you ! ”
My mother Prayed that God might save me.
My mother Prayed for me that God might save me.

मेरी माँ मुझसे कहती है, ” भगवान तुम्हारी रक्षा करें ! “

इस वाक्य से यह बिलकुल स्पष्ट है कि मेरी माँ मेरे लिए भगवान से प्रार्थना कर रही है ।  यहाँ पर my mother से ही स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि मेरी माँ मेरे लिए प्रार्थना करती है ।  अतः इसीलिए Prayed के बाद Object देना जरूरी नही होता है ( wished का भी same इसी प्रकार होता है )

किन्तु अगर आप Object देना चाहते हैं और इस प्रकार देते हैं । जैसे

My mother Prayed me that God might save me.

तो यह गलत होगा, क्योंकि जब आप ध्यान से इस वाक्य को हिन्दी मे Translate करेंगे तो आपको पता चलेगा । आइये Translate करते हैं ।

My mother Prayed me that God might save me.
मेरी माँ मुझसे प्रार्थना करती है कि भगवान मेरी रक्षा करें/करनी चाहिए ।

यहाँ “Prayed” के बाद direct ‘me’ लगाने से इसका अर्थ हो गया कि  मेरी माँ मुझसे प्रार्थना करती है ।  तो क्या मेरी माँ मुझसे प्रार्थना करती है, नहीं वे भगवान से प्रार्थना करती है कि भगवान मेरी रक्षा करें ।, इसलिए यदि आप Prayed के बाद Object दे तो for + Object दे, ऐसा करने से इसका अर्थ मेरे लिए प्रार्थना करना होगा ।

My mother Prayed for me that God might save me.
मेरी माँ मेरे लिए प्रार्थना करती है कि भगवान मेरी रक्षा करें/करनी चाहिए ।