Change Direct to Indirect Speech Special Rules Part 2 of Oxford Grammar by R.k Sinha

Change Direct to Indirect Speech Special Rules Part 2 of Oxford Grammar by R.k Sinha

Change Imperative Sentence into Indirect Speech Special Rules, Examples & Exercise  Solution.

Change Imperative Sentence into Indirect Speech Rules, Examples.

ऐसा वाक्य जिससे आज्ञा देने, अनुरोध करने, सलाह देने तथा निर्देश देने के भाव का बोध हो उसे Imperative Sentence कहते हैं ।

Imperative Sentences से प्रायः Order, Advice Command, या Request का बोध होता है ।

Imperative Sentences को Indirect Speech मे निम्नलिखित प्रकार से Change किया जाता है ।

1. Reporting Verb ( said ) को वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार बदलते हैं ।

आज्ञा के लिए   Ordered
सलाह के लिए    Advised
अनुरोध के लिए   Requested
निर्देश के लिए    Commanded

Note : यदि वाक्य मे कुछ समझ मे न आए तो asked लगाते हैं ।

2. Direct Speech मे Reporting Verb ( said ) के बाद Object रहे या फिर न रहे, लेकिन Indirect Speech मे Reporting Verb के बाद एक उपयुक्त Object अवश्य लगायें । पूरे वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार ।

3. Inverted Comma के स्थान पर to लगाये ।  और याद रखे, to के बाद हमेशा Verb का first form ( V1 ) आयेगा ।

4. यदि Inverted Comma के अंदर Please/kindly इत्यादि जैसे शब्द आए तो उसका लोप कर दें ।

Examples of Imperative Sentence change into Indirect Speech.

1. He said, ” Bring a chair. ”
He ordered me to bring a chair.

2. He said, ” Ram, switch off the T.V. ”
He asked/ordered Ram to switch off the T.V.

3. He said to me, ” please give me a pen. ”
He requested me to give him a pen.

4. The doctor said, ” Take medicine in time. ”
The doctor advised me to take medicine in time.

5. The captain said to the soldiers, ” fire at once. ”
The captain commanded the soldiers to fire at once.

Chang Emphatic Imperative Sentence into Indirect Speech of Oxford Grammar by R.k Sinha Book.

Emphatic Imperative Changing Rule

Emphatic ( जोरदार/बलदायक ) : जिस वाक्य मे जरूर या अवश्य लगा रहे उसे Emphatic Sentence कहते हैं । वाक्य को Emphatic बनाने के लिए वाक्य के आरंभ मे Do का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।

Note : ऐसे वाक्यों मे Subject understand ( छिपा ) रहता है । जैसे

आप कल अवश्य मुझसे मिलें ।    Do meet me tomorrow.

यहाँ Subject ( आप – you ) छिपा है ।

कुछ Imperative Sentence के पहले Do का प्रयोग वाक्य को जोरदार ( Emphatic ) बनाने के लिए किया जाता है । इस प्रकार के वाक्य को Indirect Speech मे निम्नलिखित प्रकार से change किया जाता है ।

1. Reporting Verb ( said ) को Requested or asked मे बदल देते हैं ।

2. Reporting Verb के बाद Object नहीं रहने पर वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार एक उपयुक्त Object लगा देते हैं ।

3. Inverted comma के स्थान पर to लगाते हैं, और Do को हटा देते हैं ।

Examples of Emphatic Imperative Sentence Change to Indirect Speech

1. He said to me, ” Do come tomorrow. ”
He requested me to come the next day.

2. He said to me, ” Do sing it again. ”
He requested me to sing it again.

3. i said to him, ” Do have a cup of tea. ”
i requested him to have a cup of tea.

4. i said to her, ” Do have patience. ”
i asked her to have patience.

5. She said to me, ” Do take a cup of tea. ”
She requested me to take a cup of tea.

Note : जब Do का प्रयोग Emphasis के लिए न होकर अन्य Verb की तरह हो, तब Do का लोप नहीं होगा । जैसे

1. He said to me, ” Do this at once. ”
He asked me to do that at once.

2. She said to us, ” Do whatever you like. ”
She told/asked us to do whatever we liked.

Change Negative Imperative Sentence into Indirect Speech & it’s Rules & Exercise Solution Right way.

यदि Inverted comma के अंदर Imperative sentence Don’t से शुरु हो, तो

1. Reporting Verb ( said ) को asked मे बदलते हैं ।

2. Object नहीं रहने पर वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार उपयुक्त Object लगा देते हैं 

3. Inverted comma के स्थान पर not to लगाते हैं, तथा Don’t को हटा देते हैं ।

Note : ऊपर अनेक स्थानो पर told तथा asked मे से किसी भी एक का प्रयोग हो सकता है ।

Oxford Current English Grammar Exercise 82 Solution – full details of Imperative Sentence Indirect Speech.

1. He said to me, ” go there. ”
He told/asked me to go there.

2. The commander said to his men, ” fight well. ”
The commander commanded his men to fight well.

3. The old man said to his servant, ” close the door. ”
The old man ordered his servant to close the door.

4. He said to her, ” please help me. ”
He requested her to help him.

5. He said, ” please give me your bicycle. ”
He requested me to give him my bicycle.

6. She said to me, ” kindly give me some money. ”
She requested me to give her some money.

7. The doctor said to me, ” take care of your helth. ”
The doctor advised me to take care of my health.

8. Ram said to me, ” Do this at once. ”
Ram asked me to do that at once.

9. i said to my servant, ” go to market. ”
i ordered my servant to go to market.

10. The saint said to me, ” Believe in god. ”
The saint asked/advised me to believe in God.

12. The teacher said, ” stand up on the bench. ”
The teacher ordered me to stand up on the bench.

13. He said to her, ” wait for me till i return. ”
He asked/ordered her to wait for him till he returned.

14. She said to me, ” have a cup of tea. ”
She told/asked me to have a cup of tea.

15. My father said to me, ” don’t walk in the sun. ”
My father ordered me not to walk in the sun.

16. Ram said to his servant, ” don’t do this. ”
Ram ordered his servant not to do that.

17. He said, ” My son, don’t kill birds. ”
He ordered my son not to kill birds.

18. He said, ” don’t sleep late. ”
He ordered his son not to sleep late.

19. The teacher said us, ” don’t talk in the class. ”
The teacher ordered us not to talk in the class.

20. The doctor said to me, ” don’t smoke. ”
The doctor advised me not to smoke.

21. He said to me, ” do tell me a new story. ”
He requested me to tell him a new story.

22. He said, ” do come here tomorrow. ”
He asked/requested me to come here the next day.

23. She told me, ” do have a cup of tea. ”
She told/asked me to have a cup of tea.

24. i told her, ” do have patience. ”
i told/asked her to have patience.

25. She said to me, ” do this work. ”
She ordered me to do this work.

26. They said to me, ” please do help us. ”
They requested me to help them.

27. The nurse said, ” open your mouth. ”
The nurse asked me to open my mouth.