Active-Passive Voice Exercise 227 to 229 Solution Oxford Translation
Active-Passive Voice Exercise 227 to 229 Solution Oxford Translation
How to Translate Active & Passive Voice in Past Imperfect Tense, it’s Uses of Rules, Examples & Exercise Solution.
Translating Rules of Voice.
Active Voice in Past Imperfect Tense.
पहचान : खा रहा था, लिख रहा था, गा रहा था इत्यादि
Structure of Active Voice Past Imperfect Tense.
Subject + was/were + V-ing + Object.
मै खा रहा था ।
वह गाना गा रही थी ।
राम प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था ।
हमलोग पुस्तक पढ रहे थें ।
वे लोग तुम्हारा इंतजार कर रहे थे ।
Passive Voice in Past Continuous Tense.
पहचान : खाया जा रहा था, लिखा जा रहा था, पढाया जा रहा था इत्यादि
Structure of Passive Voice Past Imperfect Tense.
Subject + was/were + being + V3
कार्य किया जा रहा था ।
पुस्तकें छापी जा रही थीं ।
चोर को पीटा जा रहा था ।
सड़कों की मरम्मत की जा रही थी ।
हमलोगो को हिंदी पढाया जा रहा था ।
More Solved Examples of Voice.
Affirmative Sentence of Voice.
चोर को पीटा जा रहा था । The thief was being beaten.
मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी । Sweets were being distributed.
चिट्ठी टंकित की जा रही थी । The letter was being typed.
खिलौने बेचे जा रहे थे । Toys were being sold.
मुझे तंग किया जा रहा है । i was being vexed.
कार्य किया जा रहा था । The work was being done.
Negative Sentence of Voice.
Subject + was/were + not + being + V3
खेत नहीं जोते जा रहे थें । The fields were not being ploughed.
पेड़ नहीं काटे जा रहे थे । The trees were not being cut.
गाना नहीं गाया जा रहा था । The song was not being sung.
काम नहीं किया जा रहा था । The work was not being done.
मुझे नहीं पढाया जा रहा था । i was not being taught.
Interrogative Sentence of Voice.
Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + being + V3 ?
W.h word + was/were + Subject + ( not ) + being + V3 ?
क्या खेत सींचा जा रहा था ? Was the field being irrigated ?
क्या मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी ? Were sweets being distributed ?
क्या तुम्हें नहीं पीटा जा रहा था ? Were you not being beaten ?
गायों को क्या खिलाया जा रहा था ? What were the cows being fed ?
तुम्हें कब पढाया जा रहा था ? When were you being taught ?
उसे क्यों पीटा जा रहा था ? Why was he being beaten ?
उसे क्यों नहीं पढाया जा रहा था ? Why was he not being taught ?
उसे कहाँ ले जाया जा रहा था ? Where was he being taken ?
Oxford current english translation Exercise 227 Solution-Change Active & Passive Voice in Past Imperfect Tense.
Learn Active Voice & Passive Voice.
मै पढा रहा था । i was teaching.
मुझे पढाया जा रहा था । i was being taught.
वह मदद कर रहा था । He was helping.
उसकी मदद की जा रही थी । She/he was being helped.
पुलिस चोर को पीट रही थी । The police was beating the thief.
चोर को पीटा जा रहा था । The thief was being beaten.
कमरा साफ किया जा रहा था । The room was being cleaned.
मुझे गाली दी जा रही थी । i was being abused.
जंगल काटा जा रहा था । The forest was being cut.
मैच खेले जा रहे थे । The match was being played.
पुस्तकें छापी जा रही थी । The books were being printed.
सड़कों की मरम्मत की जा रही थी । The roads were being repaired.
पेड़ लगाए जा रहे थे । The trees were being planted.
मकान की पुताई की जा रही थी । The building was being whited/washed.
राम सोहन पीट रहा था । Ram was beating Sohan.
सोहन राम के द्वारा पीटा जा रहा थे । Sohan was being beaten by Ram.
खेत जोते जा रहे थे । The fields were being ploughed.
Oxford current english translation Exercise 228 Solution – Use of Active & Passive Voice in Past Continuous Tense.
Learn Active Voice & Passive Voice.
उसकी मदद नही की जा रही थी । He was not being helped.
काम नही किया जा रहा था । The work was not being done.
कुछ नहीं किया जा रहा था । Nothing was being done.
घर नहीं बेचा जा रहा था । The house was not being sold.
हमलोगो को नही पढाया जा रहा था । We were not being taught.
पेड़ नहीं काटे जा रहे थें । The trees were not being cut.
गाना नहीं गाया जा रहा था । The song was not being sung.
क्या आपलोगो को पढाया जा रहा था ? Were you being taught ?
क्या आपको धमकाया जा रहा था ? Were you being threatened ?
क्या अपराधियों को गिरफ्तार नहीं किया जा रहा था ? Were the criminals not being arrested ?
क्या पत्र नहीं लिखा जा रहा था ? Was a letter not being written ?
आपको क्या पढाया जा रहा था ? What were you being taught ?
राम को क्या दिया जा रहा था ? What was Ram being given ?
उसे गाली क्यों दी जा रही थी ? Why was he being abused ?
मैच कहाँ खेला जा रहा था ? Where was the match being played ?
चिठ्ठीयाँ क्यों बाँटी जा रही थी ? Why were the letters being distributed ?
आपको क्यों गिरफ्तार किया जा रहा था ? Why were you being arrested ?
आपलोगों के लिए क्यों कुछ नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
Why was Nothing being done for you ?
Use of Active & Passive Voice in Past Perfect Tense & it’s Rules Structure, Examples & Exercise Solution.
Active Voice in Past Perfect Tense
पहचान : खा चुका था OR खाया था, लिख चुका था OR लिखा था इत्यादि
Structure of Active Voice of Past Perfect Tense.
Subject + had + V3 + Object
वह पढा चुका था ।
राम ने पत्र लिखा था ।
सीता गाना गा चुकी थी ।
Passive Voice in Past Perfect Tense.
पहचान : खाया जा चुका था OR खाया गया था, लिखा जा चुका था OR लिखा गया था इत्यादि
Structure of Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense.
Subject + had been + V3
Subject + had been + V3 + by + ……..
मैच खेला जा चुका था ।
कविताएँ लिखी जा चुकी थी ।
राम के द्वारा पत्र लिखा गया था ।
More Solved Examples of Voice.
Structure of Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense.
Affirmative Sentence
Subject + had been + V3
Negative Sentence
Subject + had + not + been + V3
Interrogative Sentence
Had + Subject + ( not ) + been + V3 ?
W.h Question Sentence
W.h word + Had + Subject + ( not ) + been + V3 ?
Solved Examples Affirmative, Negative & Interrogative Sentence.
मैच खेला चुका था । The match had been played.
मैच नहीं खेला जा चुका था । The match had not been played.
क्या मैच खेला जा चुका था ? Had the match been played ?
क्या मैच नहीं खेला जा चुका था ? Had the match not been played ?
मैच क्यों खेला जा चुका था ? Why had the match been played ?
मैच क्यों नहीं खेला जा चुका था ? Why had the match not been played ?
Oxford current english translation Exercise 229 Solution – Right Use of Active & Passive Voice in Past Perfect Tense.
Learn Active & Passive voice
राम पढा चुका था । Ram had taught.
राम को पढाया जा चुका था । Ram had been taught.
काम पूरा किया जा चुका था । The work had been completed.
चोर को गिरफ्तार किया जा चुका था । The thief had been arrested.
पेड़ रोपे जा जा चुके थे । The trees had been planted.
गायें खिलाई जा चुकी थी । The cows had been fed.
किताबें खरीदी जा चुकी थी । The books had been bought.
कविताएँ लिखी जा चुकी थी । The poems had been written.
पेड़ नहीं रोपे जा चुके थे । The trees had not been planted.
क्या गाये खिलाई जा चुकी थी ? Had the cows been fed ?
क्या तुमलोग पढाए जा चुके थे ? Had you been taught ?
क्या उसे सजा दी जा चुकी थी ? Had he been punished ?
क्या खेत नहीं जोते जा चुके थे ? Had the fields not been ploughed ?
उसे क्यों गिरफ्तार किया जा चुका था ? Why had he been arrested ?
यह काम पुरा क्यों नहीं किया जा चुका था ? Why had this work not been completed ?
उसे आदेश दिया जा चुका था । He had been ordered.