Active-Passive Voice Exercise 225 & 226 Solution Oxford Translation
How to Translate Active & Passive Voice in Past Indefinite Tense Of Oxford current English translation by R.k Sinha.
Active Voice in Past Indefinite Tense
पहचान : खाया, खाया था, लिखा, लिखा था, गया, गया था
Structure of Active Voice
Subject + V2 + Object.
1. उसने पढाया ।
2. उसने मुझे पत्र लिखा ।
3. उसने चार शेरो को मारा ।
4. मैने उस लड़के को बचाया ।
5. उनलोगों ने पुराने वृक्षों को काटा ।
Passive Voice in Past Indefinite Tense
पहचान : खाया गया, लिखा गया, लगाए गए, दी गई, की गई ।
Structure of Passive Voice
Subject + was/were + V3.
Subject + was/were + V3 + by + …
1. मुझे पढाया गया ।
2. कुछ पेड़ लगाए गए ।
3. मुझे एक किताब दी गई ।
4. उसके द्वारा आम खाया गया ।
5. उसके द्वारा मुझे पत्र लिखा गया ।
More Examples of Passive Voice
उसे पीटा गया । He was beaten.
उसे पीटा गया था । He was beaten.
मुझे पढाया गया । i was taught.
मुझे पढाया गया था । i was taught.
घोड़ा बेचा गया । The house was sold.
एक घर बनाया गया । A house was built.
मुझे एक कलम दी गई । i was given a pen.
कुछ कलमे खरीदी गई । Some pens were bought.
उनलोगों को आदेश दिया गया । They were ordered.
राम के द्वारा एक पक्षी मारा गया । A bird was killed by Ram.
उसे यह काम करने को कहा गया । He was asked to do this work.
Negative Sentence of Passive Voice
Subject + was/were + not + V3.
मुझे नहीं पढाया गया । i was not taught.
उसे नहीं पीटा गया । He was not beaten.
पेड़ नहीं काटा गया । The tree was not cut.
पत्र नहीं लिखे गए । Letters were not written.
खेत नहीं जोता गया । The field was not ploughed.
वे लोग दंडित नहीं किए गए । They were not punished.
Interrogative Sentence of Passive Voice
Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + V3 ?
W.h word + Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + V3 ?
क्या दरवाजा तोड़ा गया ? Was the door broken ?
क्या मोहन को दंडित नहीं किया गया ? Was Mohan not punished ?
क्या अंग्रेजी नहीं पढाई गई ? Was English not taught ?
क्या लड़के पढाए गए ? Were the boys taught ?
क्या घोड़े नहीं बेचे गए ? Were the horses not sold ?
उससे क्या पूछा गया ? What was he asked ?
उनलोगों को क्या दिया गया ? What were they given ?
उसे क्यों पीटा गया ? Why was he beaten ?
बक्से को कहाँ छिपाया गया ? Where was the box hidden ?
उसे प्रोत्साहित क्यों नहीं किया गया ? Why was he not encouraged ?
Oxford current English translation Exercise 225 Solution-Change Active & Passive voice in simple past tense.
Learn Active & Passive voice
उसने पढाया/पढाया था । He taught.
उसे पढाया गया/गया था । He was taught.
उसने मारा । He killed.
वह मारा गया । He was killed.
मैने आदेश दिया । i Ordered.
मुझे आदेश दिया गया । i was ordered.
एक कुआँ खोदा गया । A well was dug.
एक पुल बनाया गया । A bridge was built.
लड़के पढाए गए । The boys were taught.
उसे पीटा गया । He was beaten.
कुछ पेड़ लगाए गए । Some trees were planted.
एक गाड़ी खरीदी गई । A car was bought.
वह पेड़ काटा गया । That tree was cut.
मुझे प्यार किया गया । i was loved.
आपको आदेश दिया गया । you were ordered.
उनसे अनुरोध किया गया । He was requested.
राम ने हमलोगो को पढाया । Ram taught us.
हमलोग पढाए गए । We were taught.
राम पढाया गया । Ram was taught.
उसने एक चोर को देखा । He saw a thief.
एक चोर उसके द्वारा देखा गया । A thief was seen by him.
पुराने वृक्ष काटे गए । The old trees were cut.
उसने पुराने वृक्षों को काटा । He cut the old trees.
यह कहा गया । it was said.
आपको मिठाईयाँ दी गई । you were given the sweets.
मुझे पटना जाने को कहा गया । i was said/told/asked to go to Patna.
मुझे गाने के लिए अनुरोध किया गया । i was requested to sing.
Understanding the conversion between active and passive voice is essential for mastering English grammar. Exercises 225 and 226 from the Oxford Current English Translation series focus on this aspect. Here’s a detailed explanation and solutions for these exercises:
Exercise 225: Active to Passive Voice in Past Indefinite Tense
In the past indefinite tense, active sentences follow the structure: Subject + V2 (past simple form of the verb) + Object. To convert these into passive voice, the structure becomes: Object + was/were + V3 (past participle) + (by + Subject).
Active: He taught the students.
- Passive: The students were taught by him.
Active: She wrote a letter.
- Passive: A letter was written by her.
Active: They built a house.
- Passive: A house was built by them.
Exercise 226: Passive to Active Voice in Past Indefinite Tense
This exercise involves converting passive sentences back into active voice. The passive structure is: Object + was/were + V3 + (by + Subject). To change it to active voice, the structure becomes: Subject + V2 + Object.
Passive: The book was read by John.
- Active: John read the book.
Passive: The cake was baked by Mary.
- Active: Mary baked the cake.
Passive: The song was sung by the choir.
- Active: The choir sang the song.
For a comprehensive walkthrough of these exercises, you can refer to the following video explanations:
Exercise 225:
Exercise 226:
These resources provide step-by-step solutions and further clarify the rules for converting between active and passive voice in the past indefinite tense.