Active-Passive Voice Exercise 225 & 226 Solution Oxford Translation
Active-Passive Voice Exercise 225 & 226 Solution Oxford Translation
How to Translate Active & Passive Voice in Past Indefinite Tense Of Oxford current English translation by R.k Sinha.
Active Voice in Past Indefinite Tense
पहचान : खाया, खाया था, लिखा, लिखा था, गया, गया था
Structure of Active Voice
Subject + V2 + Object.
1. उसने पढाया ।
2. उसने मुझे पत्र लिखा ।
3. उसने चार शेरो को मारा ।
4. मैने उस लड़के को बचाया ।
5. उनलोगों ने पुराने वृक्षों को काटा ।
Passive Voice in Past Indefinite Tense
पहचान : खाया गया, लिखा गया, लगाए गए, दी गई, की गई ।
Structure of Passive Voice
Subject + was/were + V3.
Subject + was/were + V3 + by + …
1. मुझे पढाया गया ।
2. कुछ पेड़ लगाए गए ।
3. मुझे एक किताब दी गई ।
4. उसके द्वारा आम खाया गया ।
5. उसके द्वारा मुझे पत्र लिखा गया ।
More Examples of Passive Voice
उसे पीटा गया । He was beaten.
उसे पीटा गया था । He was beaten.
मुझे पढाया गया । i was taught.
मुझे पढाया गया था । i was taught.
घोड़ा बेचा गया । The house was sold.
एक घर बनाया गया । A house was built.
मुझे एक कलम दी गई । i was given a pen.
कुछ कलमे खरीदी गई । Some pens were bought.
उनलोगों को आदेश दिया गया । They were ordered.
राम के द्वारा एक पक्षी मारा गया । A bird was killed by Ram.
उसे यह काम करने को कहा गया । He was asked to do this work.
Negative Sentence of Passive Voice
Subject + was/were + not + V3.
मुझे नहीं पढाया गया । i was not taught.
उसे नहीं पीटा गया । He was not beaten.
पेड़ नहीं काटा गया । The tree was not cut.
पत्र नहीं लिखे गए । Letters were not written.
खेत नहीं जोता गया । The field was not ploughed.
वे लोग दंडित नहीं किए गए । They were not punished.
Interrogative Sentence of Passive Voice
Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + V3 ?
W.h word + Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + V3 ?
क्या दरवाजा तोड़ा गया ? Was the door broken ?
क्या मोहन को दंडित नहीं किया गया ? Was Mohan not punished ?
क्या अंग्रेजी नहीं पढाई गई ? Was English not taught ?
क्या लड़के पढाए गए ? Were the boys taught ?
क्या घोड़े नहीं बेचे गए ? Were the horses not sold ?
उससे क्या पूछा गया ? What was he asked ?
उनलोगों को क्या दिया गया ? What were they given ?
उसे क्यों पीटा गया ? Why was he beaten ?
बक्से को कहाँ छिपाया गया ? Where was the box hidden ?
उसे प्रोत्साहित क्यों नहीं किया गया ? Why was he not encouraged ?
Oxford current English translation Exercise 225 Solution-Change Active & Passive voice in simple past tense.
Learn Active & Passive voice
उसने पढाया/पढाया था । He taught.
उसे पढाया गया/गया था । He was taught.
उसने मारा । He killed.
वह मारा गया । He was killed.
मैने आदेश दिया । i Ordered.
मुझे आदेश दिया गया । i was ordered.
एक कुआँ खोदा गया । A well was dug.
एक पुल बनाया गया । A bridge was built.
लड़के पढाए गए । The boys were taught.
उसे पीटा गया । He was beaten.
कुछ पेड़ लगाए गए । Some trees were planted.
एक गाड़ी खरीदी गई । A car was bought.
वह पेड़ काटा गया । That tree was cut.
मुझे प्यार किया गया । i was loved.
आपको आदेश दिया गया । you were ordered.
उनसे अनुरोध किया गया । He was requested.
राम ने हमलोगो को पढाया । Ram taught us.
हमलोग पढाए गए । We were taught.
राम पढाया गया । Ram was taught.
उसने एक चोर को देखा । He saw a thief.
एक चोर उसके द्वारा देखा गया । A thief was seen by him.
पुराने वृक्ष काटे गए । The old trees were cut.
उसने पुराने वृक्षों को काटा । He cut the old trees.
यह कहा गया । it was said.
आपको मिठाईयाँ दी गई । you were given the sweets.
मुझे पटना जाने को कहा गया । i was said/told/asked to go to Patna.
मुझे गाने के लिए अनुरोध किया गया । i was requested to sing.