AAD- Optimal Binary Search Tree With Practical Example ( for Deeper Understanding) Part 25.

AAD- Optimal Binary Search Tree With Practical Example ( for Deeper Understanding) Part 25.


Optimal Binary Search Tree (OBST) – Advanced Analysis & Practical Example

1. Introduction to Optimal Binary Search Tree (OBST)

An Optimal Binary Search Tree (OBST) is a specialized Binary Search Tree (BST) that is structured in a way that minimizes the expected search cost (or total weighted path length).

When searching for elements in a BST, the cost depends on how frequently each element is accessed. Instead of constructing a standard BST, OBST minimizes the average search time based on given probabilities of searching for keys.

2. Why Do We Need OBST?

A regular BST does not always guarantee an optimal search time. If the tree is unbalanced, the search cost may be high.

3. Problem Definition

Given n keys K1,K2,…,KnK_1, K_2, …, K_n in sorted order, and their respective probabilities of access:

The goal is to construct a binary search tree that minimizes the expected search cost:

C(T)=∑i=1n(Depth(Ki)×Probability(Ki))C(T) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} (Depth(K_i) \times Probability(K_i))

where Depth(K_i) is the level of node KiK_i in the tree.

4. Dynamic Programming Approach for OBST

We define:

Recurrence Relation:

e[i][j]=min⁡r∈[i,j](e[i][r−1]+e[r+1][j]+w[i][j])e[i][j] = \min_{r \in [i,j]} (e[i][r-1] + e[r+1][j] + w[i][j])

where rr is the root node considered at that step.

5. Practical Example

Given Data:

Keys: K1, K2, K3
Sorted Keys: (10, 20, 30)

Key K1 (10) K2 (20) K3 (30)
Probability pp 0.3 0.4 0.3
Dummy qq 0.1 0.1 0.1

Step 1: Compute Weight Matrix w[i][j]w[i][j]

w[i][j]=pi+pi+1+…+pj+qi−1+qjw[i][j] = p_i + p_{i+1} + … + p_j + q_{i-1} + q_j

i → j w[i][i] w[i][i+1] w[i][i+2]
w[1][1]w[1][1] = 0.4 w[1][2]w[1][2] = 0.9 w[1][3]w[1][3] = 1.3
w[2][2]w[2][2] = 0.5 w[2][3]w[2][3] = 0.9
w[3][3]w[3][3] = 0.4

Step 2: Compute Expected Cost e[i][j]e[i][j]

Base Case:

e[i][i]=w[i][i]e[i][i] = w[i][i]

For multiple elements, choose rr (root) that minimizes:

e[i][j]=e[i][r−1]+e[r+1][j]+w[i][j]e[i][j] = e[i][r-1] + e[r+1][j] + w[i][j]

i → j e[i][i] e[i][i+1] e[i][i+2]
e[1][1]e[1][1] = 0.4 e[1][2]e[1][2] = 0.9 (root = K1) e[1][3]e[1][3] = 1.3 (root = K2)
e[2][2]e[2][2] = 0.5 e[2][3]e[2][3] = 0.9 (root = K2)
e[3][3]e[3][3] = 0.4

6. Constructing the Optimal BST

From the table:

Final Optimal BST Structure:

/ \
10 30

7. Applications of OBST

Database Indexing (e.g., indexing frequently accessed records efficiently).
Compiler Design (syntax trees in parsers).
Artificial Intelligence (decision trees in machine learning).

8. Conclusion

The Optimal Binary Search Tree (OBST) ensures efficient searching by minimizing the expected search cost using dynamic programming. This is especially useful in applications where search frequencies vary significantly.

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AAD- Optimal Binary Search Tree With Practical Example ( for Deeper Understanding) Part 25.

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